Just published: Ziegler

Geordie W. Ziegler (author), Trinitarian Grace and Participation: An Entry into the Theology of T. F. Torrance, Emerging Scholars Series, Foreword by John Webster (2017).
Available at: Fortress Press | Amazon

Geordie W. Ziegler offers an exploration of the concept of "grace" in the thought of T. F. Torrance, and what it means for understanding the Christian life as "participation" in Christ's ongoing humanity. He clarifies Torrance's claim that Christ's vicarious humanity intensifies, rather than lessens, the necessity of human response to God in sacrificial and Christ-like service. Specifically, Ziegler demonstrates the centrality of Torrance's concept of grace across the dogmatic spectrum and argues that grace, for Torrance, is a downward, twofold movement from and to the Father, through the Son in the Spirit. This understanding of grace distinctly defines the Christian life as the gift of sharing in the Son's relation with the Father through the Spirit... (continue reading on the Fortress Press website)