Memorandum on Orthodox/Reformed Relations


Thomas F. Torrance, "Memorandum on Orthodox/Reformed Relations," The Reformed World 35 (1979): 337-345; #1979-361


Torrance, Thomas F. "Memorandum on Orthodox/Reformed Relations." The Reformed World 35 (1979): 337-345; #1979-361

Revision status
  • #1979-361: "Memorandum on Orthodox/Reformed Relations." The Reformed World 35 (1979): 337-345.
  • #1980-379a: "Memorandum on Orthodox/Reformed Relations," Ekklesia kai Theologia I (1980): 197-205.
  • #1980-379b: "Memorandum on Orthodox/Reformed Discussions," Ekklesia kai Theologia I (1980): 206-211.
  • #1980-379 in the bibliographies of Alister McGrath and Iain Torrance refers to two publications in The Reformed World, now designated as #1980-379a and #1980-379b. They cited the page numbers as No. 1 on pp. 197-205 (correct) and No. 2 on pp. 337-345 (sic). That appears to be a line transcription error, transposing the pages for the article by the same title from the previous year in The Reformed World. So the correct citations are:
    • #1980-379a: No. 1 on pp. 197-205 (now distinguished as #1980-379a), on "Orthodox/Reformed Relations." 
    • #1980-379b: No. 2 on pp. 206-211 (now distinguished as #1980-379b), on "Orthodox/Reformed Discussions." 
  • #1985-453cTheological Dialogue between Orthodox and Reformed Churches, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1985), vol. 1, pp. 3-18 (#1985-453c). The memoranda are here first designated as Memorandum A and Memorandum B. They appear together as a single chapter, "Memoranda on Orthodox/Reformed Relations," which comprises a section entitled "First Consultation, Istanbul 1979."

The two memoranda are not titled A or B in 1980 or 1979. In 1980, in Ekklesia kai Theologia, both titles are prefixed by "World Alliance of Reformed Churches Official WARC Delegation to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Istanbul, 26-30 July, 1979."

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