Gospel, Church, and Ministry
Thomas F. Torrance, Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012); #2012-TFT-1
Thomas F. Torrance, Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012); #2012-TFT-1
Thomas F. Torrance, Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012; Bellingham, Washington: Faithlife Corporation, Logos Bible Software, 2018); #2012-TFT-1-Logos
Thomas F. Torrance, "Service in Jesus Christ," in Theological Foundations for Ministry: Selected Readings for a Theology of the Church and Ministry, ed. Ray S. Anderson (Edinburgh: T&T Clark; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Erdmans, 1979), 714-733; #1979-366e
Thomas F. Torrance, "Service in Jesus Christ," in Service in Christ: Essays Presented to Karl Barth on his 80th Birthday, ed. James I. McCord and T. H. L. Parker (London: Epworth Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1966), 1-16; #1966-246
Thomas F. Torrance, "Service in Jesus Christ," in Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012), 140-161; #2012-TFT-1f
Thomas F. Torrance, "Diakonie in Jesus Christus," Die Innere Mission 56 (1966): 201-215; #1966-242