To be a member it is not necessary to make a donation. However, as recommended by our members, the T.F. Torrance Executive Board asks all non-student members to make a minimum donation of $10.00 per calendar year.
Your donations primarily cover the expenses involved in providing our annual meeting with its keynote speaker, the production of the journal Participatio, the costs of hosting, maintaining and updating our website and the maintenance of other Fellowship initiatives in support of its Mission.We are not yet incorporated as a non-profit organization; donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for supporting the T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship!
Join / Update / Newsletter: MEMBERSHIP FORM
Become a Member: To join or update your membership, click the email button below to submit a membership web form with your name, phone number and mailing address. Members of the Fellowship must signal their agreement with the Mission Statement. That affirmation statement is also part of this membership form:
After you submit this web form, then your log-in to the website will be activated. The webmasters will also create a rudimentary member profile for you, which you may later optionally edit (more on this below).
Members and friends will receive several email newsletters per year, including one or two letters from the president. Other news is conveyed via the News section of this website.
Become a Friend: Are you a friend of the TFT Fellowship, but just want to receive the newsletter (several times per year) without joining? No problem. Just let us know.
To make sure that you receive the newsletter, without it being diverted to your junk folder, add to your contacts.
Member Benefits
The Fellowship Annual Meeting consists of a keynote lecture and a short business meeting. Members physically present at the Annual Meeting may vote on the election of officers and other matters during the business portion of the meeting. The annual meeting occurs on the Friday before the American Association of Religion (AAR) annual conference. See the Annual Meetings page of this website for more information.
From the home page, access News, an Annual Meetings page with AV from past meetings, the most recent issue of Participatio, and the most recent items in the Sources and Studies bibliographies. Contact us for any purpose through the "Contact" link in the footer of any page.
The Fellowship maintains a comprehensive Sources bibliography of primary publications by Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, David W. Torrance and their siblings.
The Fellowship maintains a Studies bibliography of current secondary publications relevant to the Fellowship's mission. Submit a Publications Form or send us an email to alert other members to your Torrance-related publications. These publications will be listed (1) in the Studies bibliography, (2) in the Recent Studies list on the home page, (3) in Members Publications, and (4) in the Publications sidebar of your Member Profile. Check back often to see notices of recent publications on the Home page. A goal for 2020 is to go back and retroactively enhance the Studies bibliography by adding earlier secondary sources. Please alert us to relevant new academic publications using email or the same Publications Form. Have you written (or found) an interesting book review or a helpful online discussion of a Torrance-related publication? Please let us know. Reviews are appended to bibliography records, and may be browsed on the Book Reviews page.
Are you presenting a Torrance-related paper or organizing a Torrance-related event? Contact us to list it on our Conferences page.
Do you teach a Torrance-related course? Consider sharing your syllabus.
The Fellowship maintains a password-protected Profile Directory, consisting of Member Profiles and Mentor Profiles. These profiles are accessible only to members (log-in first). Profiles provide brief professional introductions, noting mentors and students, family (if relevant), institutional and denominational affiliations, regional locations, select publications and research interests, etc., cross-referenced with the bibliographies and other pages. Look at the "Ask me about" section of member profiles to find other scholars with similar interests. Instructions for logging in and updating your Member Profile are here:
Members may update their usernames or passwords at any point. First log into your account. Second, go to your member profile, and click "edit" toward the top. Third, make any changes to the current information and click "save" on the bottom.
Members may create members-only annotations throughout the bibliographies, posting contextual information or posing queries related to your ongoing research which may become the basis for brief scholarly discussions. View the most recent annotations on the Members Profile Directory page (must be logged-in first). Quick links to all of your own annotations will automatically appear on your profile page.
How might I use the website in teaching? Features we have begun adding to support course instruction include, as just mentioned, the ability of members (including student members) to add non-public annotations to items in the bibliographies (visible to members only). Cf. the Course Instruction page (which offers tips for using Annotations in instruction) and the Help page for the Course Instruction block of your Member Profile.
PDFs and media downloads: The site is growing into a digital library as more content becomes available for distribution. See /oa for all online resources (PDFs, etc.) distributed open access via the site. Count back in 11/6/2019: 246 open access items. See /av for all audiovisual resources. Count back in 11/6/2019: 103 AV items. Please let us know if you have relevant copyright-free resources to offer, or if you own copyright on any items in the Sources or Studies bibliographies and are willing to grant us permission to distribute them openly on this website.
Torrance Oral History Project. See the /2019-OHP-1 page for: Description of the scope and purpose of this new project (global, multi-disciplinary, ecumenical); List of confirmed participants (six interviews already conducted); Opportunities for members to collaborate in the recording and transcription of oral history interviews. Donations toward equipment costs welcomed.
Call for Materials: Resources and items that you are in a position to grant us permission to distribute.
Submit comments/questions/corrections/suggestions from any bibliography page to enhance the research utility of the website. Please contact us with general suggestions for improving the website to support your research and communication with other scholars and the Mission of the Fellowship.