The Grace of the Finished Work of Christ
David W. Torrance, "The Grace of the Finished Work of Christ," You're Included, 104 (Pasadena, California: Grace Communion International, 2010); #2010-DWT-1
David W. Torrance, "The Grace of the Finished Work of Christ," You're Included, 104 (Pasadena, California: Grace Communion International, 2010); #2010-DWT-1
David W. Torrance, "The Importance of Prayer in Pastoral Work," You're Included, 107 (Pasadena, California: Grace Communion International, 2011); #2011-DWT-2
David W. Torrance, "Not I, but Christ," You're Included, 105 (Pasadena, California: Grace Communion International, 2011); #2011-DWT-3
David W. Torrance, "Not My Will, but Yours," You're Included, 106 (Pasadena, California: Grace Communion International, July 14, 2011); #2011-DWT-4.
David W. Torrance, "Already Forgiven," You're Included, 108 (Pasadena, California: Grace Communion International, 2012); #2012-DWT-2
James B. Torrance, "An Interview with James Torrance" (Jason Goroncy, no date),; #U-JBT-21
Alister E. McGrath, "A Manifesto for Intellectual Engagement: Reflections on Thomas F. Torrance's Theological Science (1969)," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2016.
W. Travis McMaken, "Actualism, Dualism, and Onto-Relations: Interrogating Torrance's Criticism of Barth's Doctrine of Baptism," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2015.
George Dion Dragas, "T. F. Torrance: A Theologian for Our Times; An Eastern Orthodox Perspective," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2012.
George Hunsinger, Paul D. Molnar, Gary Deddo, Christian Kettler, and Alan J. Torrance, Panel discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (Ashgate, 2009), Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011.
Paul D. Molnar, "T. F. Torrance and the Problem of Universalism," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011.
David A. S. Fergusson, "The Ascension of Christ in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2010
Kevin Vanhoozer, "T. F. Torrance’s Kataphysical Poetics: How the Incarnation Relates Science to Theology" (Deerfield, Illinois: Trinity International University, 2018);
Jason R. Radcliff, "The Patristic Foundations of the Reformed-Orthodox Ecumenical Dialogue," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2017.
Jeremy Begbie, "Incarnation, Creation and New Creation: What T. F. Torrance offers to a Theological Re-visioning of the Arts," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2018.
Victor A. Shepherd, "Thomas F. Torrance and the Homoousion of the Holy Spirit," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2006.
Oliver D. Crisp, "Symposium: T. F. Torrance on Theosis and Universal Salvation," Keynote presentation, with response by Myk Habets (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2019)
Todd H. Speidell, "T. F. Torrance's Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical," keynote presentation with response by Christian D. Kettler (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2020)
Stephen R. Holmes, "Simplicity in Fourth-century Nicene Theology and T. F. Torrance’s Homoousion," keynote presentation with discussion (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2021)
Thomas H. McCall, "God stakes his own being: Torrance and McCormack on God and evil after Barth," keynote presentation with discussion (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2022)
Myk Habets, Jeremy Begbie, Kimlyn J. Bender, Darren Sarisky, and Paul D. Molnar, Panel Discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God: In Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship Annual Meeting, San Antonio, November 17, 2023.
Christopher Woznicki, “The Vicarious Mission of Christ and the Church,” Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 22, 2024