Torrance Retreat Spring 2012

Event Location

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat at Loch Tay, 11-13 April 2012.

The aim of the Retreat in its spectacular setting is to make in-depth understanding of the bible with good theology available to all in accessible language without loss of depth or content.

Theme: The Holy Spirit and Torrancean Theology


  • Robert T. Walker, "The Spirit in the Theology of T. F. Torrance"
  • Robert T. Walker, "Word and Spirit in Torrance"
  • Jason Radcliff, "The Holy Spirit in the Church Fathers and Torrance"
  • Vanessa Platek, "The Mission of the Spirit in Torrance's Theology"
  • Alan Torrance, "The Homoousion of the Son and Spirit"
  • Peter Donald, "Torrance: The Spirit and the Unity of the Church"
  • Geordie Ziegler, "Christology and the Spirit"
  • Alexandra Stuart-Lee, "T. F. Torrance and Pentecostal Theology"


Audio recordings, when available, are slowly being added to the Firbush Retreat pages.  Each recording is accompanied by an AI transcript. The AI-generated transcripts are too rough to rely upon, but perhaps useful for word searches and time-stamps. They are posted unretouched; if anyone wishes to listen to it and clean it up we will be happy to post an improved version (contact the webmasters). We invite speakers to send us slides from their talks, which we will post alongside the audios and transcripts. If any speaker wishes to have their talk removed from the website, just let us know and we'll take down both the audio and the transcript.
