Theological Science
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Thomas F. Torrance, Theological Science (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1969); #1969-263
Thomas F. Torrance, Theological Science (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1969); #1969-263
Todd Speidell, Editor |
Alister E. McGrath, "A Manifesto for Intellectual Engagement: Reflections on Thomas F. Torrance's Theological Science (1969)," Participatio 7, Science, Epistemology, and Natural Theology (2017): 1-16
Greg Cootsona, "Science, Theology and the Power of the Ring," Participatio 7, Science, Epistemology, and Natural Theology (2017): 17-26
Participatio 7, "Science, Epistemology, and Natural Theology" (2017)
Alister E. McGrath, "A Manifesto for Intellectual Engagement: Reflections on Thomas F. Torrance's Theological Science (1969)," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2016.