Unpublished class notes
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Thomas F. Torrance, Unpublished class notes (Edinburgh: New College, no date); #U-TFT-1
Thomas F. Torrance, Unpublished class notes (Edinburgh: New College, no date); #U-TFT-1
Christopher B. Kaiser, "My Recollections of Thomas F. Torrance" (typescript dated 28 September 2021)
Christopher B. Kaiser, Creation and the History of Science (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1991)
Christopher B. Kaiser, Creational Theology and the History of Physical Science: The Creationist Tradition from Basil to Bohr, Studies in the History of Christian Thought, edited by Heiko Oberman, vol. 78 (Leiden, New York: Brill, 1997)
Christopher B. Kaiser, Toward a Theology of Scientific Endeavour: The Descent of Science, Ashgate Science and Religion Series, edited by Roger Trigging and J. Wentzel van Huyssteen (Bodmin, Cornwall: Ashgate, 2007)
Christopher B. Kaiser, "Humanity in an Intelligible Cosmos: Non-Duality in Albert Einstein and Thomas Torrance," in The Promise of Trinitarian Theology: Theologians in Dialogue with T. F. Torrance, ed. Elmer M. Colyer (Lanham, Bolder, New York, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2001), 239-267