Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I
Thomas F. Torrance, Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder (London: Lutterworth Press, 1959); #1959-139
Thomas F. Torrance, Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder (London: Lutterworth Press, 1959); #1959-139
Thomas F. Torrance, "Presbyterian - Anglican Relations," in Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder (London: Lutterworth Press, 1959), 104-145; #1959-139e
Thomas F. Torrance, "Presbyterian and Anglican Conversations," The Presbyterian Record 19 (1957): 19, 36-37; #1957-119
Thomas F. Torrance, "Le Problème des relations entre Anglicains et Presbytériens en Grande-Bretagne," Église et Théologie: À la recherche de l'unité 25, nos. 75-76 (1962): 15-39; #1962-187
Thomas F. Torrance, "Abendmahlsgemeinschaft und Vereinigung der Kirchen," Kerygma und Dogma 3 (1957): 240-250; #1957-114
Thomas F. Torrance, "Relations between Presbyterian and Anglican Churches in Scotland and England," Biblical Theology 8 (1958): 26-36; #1958-TFT-1
Thomas F. Torrance, "What is the Church?" The Ecumenical Review 11 (1958): 6-21; #1958-137
Thomas F. Torrance, Relations Between Presbyterian and Anglican Churches: A Joint Report (London: SPCK, 1958)