Thomas F. Torrance, Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder (London: Lutterworth Press, 1959); #1959-139
Torrance, Thomas F. Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder. London: Lutterworth Press, 1959; #1959-139
Publication life cycle / General notes
- Volume 1 (Order and Disorder, #1959-139) originally published 1959. Dedicated to Karl Barth.
- Volume 2 (Ministry and the Sacraments of the Gospel, #1960-155) originally published 1960. Same OCLC record.
Vol. 1 Preface: "Some of the material in these volumes has already appeared in various journals in Scotland, England, and Ireland, in Germany, Switzerland, France, Canada, and the United States of America.... Some of it, however, has never been published before..."
Included in the Logos Select Works of Thomas F. Torrance collection, #2018-TFT-1-Logos.
- Preface, p. 7. #1959-139a.
- Introduction, p. 11. #1959-139b.
Part 1: Discussions with Churches.
- Ch. 1: With Anglicans, p. 23. #1959-139c.
- Ch. 2: With Presbyterians, p. 76. #1959-139d.
- Ch. 3: Presbyterian-Anglican Relations, p. 104. #1959-139e.
- Ch. 4: With Romans, p. 146. #1959-139f.
Part 2: Problems of Faith and Order.
- Ch. 1: Amsterdam - The Nature and Mission of the Church. #1959-139g.
- Ch. 2: Where do we go from Lund? #1959-139h.
- Ch. 3: The Atonement and the Oneness of the Church, p. 238. #1959-139i.
- Ch. 4: Towards Evanston: Our Oneness in Christ and our Disunity as Churches, p. 263. #1959-139j.
- Ch. 5: The Hope of Israel: Israel and the Incarnation, p. 284. #1959-139k.
- Ch. 6: Christ the Hope of the World: Christ the First and the Last, p. 304. #1959-139m.
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Local Notes (to find a copy in a library near you, use the WorldCat link in the right sidebar)
- PTS copy.
- OU copy donated by James B. Walker.