Theology in Reconciliation
Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975); #1975-322
Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975); #1975-322
Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1976); #1976-TFT-2
Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1996); #1996-615
Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1996); #1975-322; Bellingham, Washington: Faithlife Corporation, Logos Bible Software, 2018, #1975-322-Logos
Carl Mosser, "Orthodox–Reformed Dialogue and the Ecumenical Recovery of Theosis," Ecumenical Review 73, no. 1 (2021): 131-151; #CM-2021-1.