Torrance Retreat Summer 2019

June 12-14, 2019

Event Location

University of Edinburgh Firbush Retreat Center, Loch Tay


Three Days: The Opening of Heaven and New Creation

The dates for this year’s Torrance Retreats are 12-14th June and 27-29th November. In addition to U.K. speakers, the June Retreat brings together an international line-up from different continents and church backgrounds:

  • Rev Dr Gerrit Dawson, Louisiana - Three days: Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday
  • Rev Dr Geordie Ziegler, Vancouver - Spiritual Formation
  • Dr Kerry Magruder, Oklahoma - Torrance, Science and New Creation: Did the Resurrection Change the Order of Nature?
  • Prof Myk Habets, New Zealand - Torrance as a Preacher: His Sermons in Context
  • Dr Robert Walker, Edinburgh - Torrance on the Cross, Resurrection and New Creation
  • Rev David Torrance, North Berwick - Preaching and Preaching the Ascension

As the main speaker, Gerrit Dawson is devoting a one hour session to each of the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Jesus’ Passion. For more information on the international speakers, all may be “googled”. It is anticipated that residentially we will as usual be full in June and that early booking of local B&B accommodation in Killin is advised for those who prefer en-suite facilities. 

Contact Bob Walker to register and for more information.

Details from Bob Walker:

Dates: 12-14 June  (3pm Wed - 2pm Frid)
Venue: Firbush Point (Edinburgh University Field Centre), South Loch Tay, 3 miles from Killin
Cost - RESIDENTIAL: non students £152; students and E.U. staff £132; E. U. students £122 
      (includes accommodation, meals, activities (optional) & conference fee £14).
         - NON-RESIDENTIAL: £90 (meals, activities & conference fee), £45 full day visitor fee (students £40).
Note: EARLY BIRD £12 DISCOUNT on the full balance for deposit bookings made by 15th APRIL

(£5 early bird discount for day visitors). Couples booking together may also receive a further £10 discount between them (£5 for B&B couples) 

Payment - booking deposits (non-returnable) £25, balance by 31st May. 
Cheques to "Avalon Education” and sent to:  
Robert T. Walker, Flat 2F2, 9 Warrender Park Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1JA 
Please email me at  to notify a cheque is in the post so I can acknowledge receipt. 

For bank transfer details please contact myself (email or phone 0131 228 6431) or Jock Stein on 01620 824896 or email  

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