Torrance Retreat Fall 2019

Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019

Event Location

Firbush Centre, University of Edinburgh

Torrance Retreat at Loch Tay, 30 Oct - 1 Nov, 2019

Word & Spirit, and Evil in Creation

Letter from Robert Walker

Dear All,

Here below are the details for the upcoming Oct/Nov Retreat, 2019. It is very pleasing that an increasing number of couples, ladies and people with no formal theological training are being attracted to these events. For ministers, the Retreats are recognised as eligible for Study Leave expenses. Please note that the early bird discount date is 20th September.

The following Retreat, 10-12 June 2020, is on The Trinity, Theology and Science. The main speaker will be Dr Kerry Magruder, Curator of the world famous Oklahoma Museum of the History of Science and a key figure behind the new Torrance website. There are several excellent links to him on GOOGLE, including to an expanded version of the presentation he gave us in November 18.

The main speaker this time is Bruce Ritchie. With a background of teaching theology in Malawi, 30 years ministry in Dingwall, a current lectureship at the Highland Theological College (Church History and Worship), Bruce has just published a magisterial book on Columba and has already given us several superb papers in the past. As a former student of TF Torrance, he will be giving us 3 papers, combining his interest in Columba and TFT.

We are very privileged also to have Sandy Forsyth with us again. Sandy holds the pioneering Torrance Lectureship on Theology and Mission at New College, a co-operative venture with the Church of Scotland, part of which involves putting in place new courses to enhance ministerial training.

Bob Walker: as the third speaker, I will be giving my usual overview of Torrance on the topic of the Retreat, but in response to requests to revisit the paper I prepared for the June 18 Retreat on Music and Theology, I will also precis its main points briefly then lead a discussion session on it. The paper (on the significance of the Incarnation for understanding the relation between both God & man and theology & other subjects) will be emailed in advance to all participants.

After a lifetime in ministry and as a regular, much appreciated Retreat speaker, the fourth speaker David W Torrance needs no introduction. There are several informative links to both David and Sandy on GOOGLE.

Torrance Retreat 30 Oct to 1 Nov 2019: WORD and SPIRIT, and EVIL in CREATION

Rev Dr Sandy Forsyth, Glasgow, Pioneer Ministry and Church Planting

Rev Dr Bruce Ritchie, Inverness HTC, Devils, 1 Demons and Deliverance: Aspects of early Christian theology in Scotland, 2 Reflections on studying dogmatics under TF Torrance, 3 How do we do theology?

Dr Robert Walker, Edinburgh, 1 Torrance on Word & Spirit, and Evil in Creation, 2  Discussion session on The significance of the Incarnation for the relation between God & man and theology & other subjects

Rev David W Torrance, North Berwick, Ephesians 6: the conflict with Evil

DETAILS: (for the full Retreat Programme see the one page attachment below)

Dates: 30 October - 1 November  (3.00pm Wed - 2pm Frid)
Venue: Firbush Point (Edinburgh University Field Centre), South Loch Tay, 3 miles from Killin
Cost - RESIDENTIAL: non students £160; students and E.U. staff £140; E. U. students £125 
      (includes accommodation, meals, activities (optional) & conference fee £14).
         - NON-RESIDENTIAL: £95 (meals, activities & conference fee), £45 full day visitor fee (students £40).
Note: EARLY BIRD £14 DISCOUNT on the full balance for deposit bookings made by 30th SEPTEMBER

(£5 early bird discount for day visitors). Couples booking together may also receive a further £10 discount between them.

Payment - booking deposits (non-returnable) £25, balance by 20th October. 
Cheques to "Avalon Education” and sent to:  
Robert T. Walker, Flat 2F2, 9 Warrender Park Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1JA 
Please email me at  to notify a cheque is in the post so I can acknowledge receipt. 

For bank transfer details please contact myself (email or phone 0131 228 6431) 

or Jock Stein on 01620 824896 or email  

With best wishes,

Bob Walker

State, Province or Region
Firbush Retreat Center, University of Edinburgh, Loch Tay, Scotland