Botond Gaál, The Faith of a Scientist: James Clerk Maxwell (Debrecen, Hungary: The István Hatvani Theological Research Centre, Debrecen University of Reformed Theology, 2003)
Gaál, Botond. The Faith of a Scientist: James Clerk Maxwell. Debrecen, Hungary: The István Hatvani Theological Research Centre, Debrecen University of Reformed Theology, 2003
Title page verso: "Reviewed by Jock Stein"
Dedication: "To my teacher, Professor Thomas Forsyth Torrance, in gratitude and affection"
Dedication page verso:
"The author of this monograph established The István Hatvani Theological Research Centre in 1993. The aim of this Centre is to help all of the professors and students at the Debrecen University in examining and better understanding the relationship between natural sciences and Christian theology in order to promote progress in all fields of the human culture. István Hatvani (1718-1786) was an outstanding physicist, mathematician, chemist, physician, philosopher and Calvinist theologian who, as a professor of the Reformed College of Debrecen, embodied a European standard in teaching science and theology."
"This publication was supported by the Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen and A grant from the Science and Religion Course Program in Europe of the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences (CTNS) in Berkeley, California, funded by the John Templeton Foundation."
- Introduction, p. 8.
- Abbreviations, p. 11.
- 1. James Clerk Maxwell in the Victorian Age, p. 12
- The Impact of the Scottish School of Common Sense, p. 13
- Christian Heritage and Theological Background, p. 19
- 2. From the Whole to the Parts, p. 26
- The Effectiveness of that Principle in his Life, p. 34
- The Effectiveness of that Principle in the Area of Human Knowledge, p. 37
- Christ as the Wholeness and His Universe as the Part, p. 39
- 3. Theology of James Clerk Maxwell, p. 48
- In Relation to his Fellowmen and Women, p. 49
- In Relation to the Church, p. 51
- In Relation to the Universe, p. 54
- In Relation to Christ, p. 58
- Christ in Relation to God, the Universe, the Church, and Man, p. 60
- 4. Message for Today left by James Clerk Maxwell, p. 64
- Creation out of Nothing and Incarnation of Christ, p. 66
- Maxwell's Unitary Vision and Contingency of the World, p. 66
- Pre-eminent Tri-unity of God and the Unitary Vision of the Created World, p. 67
- Appendix: James Clerk Maxwell and the Bible, p. 70
- Bibliography, p. 88