Torrance Retreat Fall 2022

September 21-24, 2022

Event Location

Virtual only.

Torrance Retreat at Loch Tay (Virtual) 21-24 September 2022

Jesus: the One for the Many


All times UK = Edinburgh, London (US Central time in parentheses = Chicago, Dallas). World clock

Sessions will begin on time. Please sign in on Zoom five minutes before each session for preliminary info; give yourself an extra minute because a Zoom log-in is required. Zoom info will appear in the right sidebar after you log in to this Fellowship website. If you experience technical difficulties email the webmasters.

Wednesday 21 September

7:00-8:00pm UK (1:00-2:00pm US Central)

  • Happy Hour / Tech check-in (7:00 to 7:45): This introductory session is a fun way to get to know other participants. It also provides an opportunity to test your log-in to the Fellowship website, to make sure the technology is working before the main days of the Retreat.
  • Worship – 7:45 to 8:00 pm. Led by Tom Noble.

Thursday 22 September

Chair: Bob Walker

  • 2.00pm – 3.30pm UK (8am US Central)
    • Introductory welcome
    • Opening worship – led by David W. Torrance
    • SESSION 1 - Bob Walker: "The One for the Many in TFT: an Overview"
  • 4.00pm – 5.00pm UK (10am US Central)
  • 5.00pm – 6.15pm UK (11am US Central)
    • Break for dinner. Throughout the Retreat, consider sharing a meal or a coffee break with other participants. See the Participants List (log-in required) for contact info.
  • 6.15pm – 7.45pm UK (12:15pm US Central)
    • SESSION 3 – Jerome van Kuiken: "One for the Many: Reality and Personal Experience"
  • 7.45pm - 8.00pm UK (1:45pm US Central)
    • Closing worship – led by Lance Stone

Friday 23 September

Chair: Jerome Van Kuiken

Note: Please use the Reactions button in the bottom of the Zoom window to raise your hand in order to maximize the number of people who participate in discussions. Thank you!

  • 2.00pm –2.15pm UK (8am US Central)
  • 2.15pm – 3.30pm UK (8:15am US Central)
  • 4.00pm – 5.00pm UK (10am US Central)
    • SESSION 5 – Jenny Floether: "Jesus the one for the many. Why don’t we get it?"
  • 5.00pm – 6.15pm UK (11am US Central)
    • Break for Dinner
  • 6.15pm – 7.45pm UK (12:15pm US Central)
    • SESSION 6 – Alan Torrance: "Just how Central is the Concept of the One for the Many?" (Alan is unexpectedly unavailable due to Hurricane Fiona)
      • Discussion led by previous speakers
  • 7.45pm - 8.00pm UK (1:45pm US Central)
    • Closing worship – led by Jennifer Floether

Saturday 24 September

Chair: Tom Noble

  • 2.00pm –2.15pm UK (8am US Central)
  • 2. 15pm – 3.30pm UK (8:15am US Central)
    • SESSION 7 – Pressing Questions: Julie Canlis: Discussion facilitator
  • 4.00pm – 5.30pm UK (10am US Central)
    • SESSION 8 – Plenary Discussion
  • 5.30pm – 5.45pm UK (11:30am US Central)
    • Closing worship – led by Matthew Young
  • 6:00pm – 7:00pm UK (Noon - 1:00pm US Central)
    • Last Words Lounge: This optional hour after the official retreat is over provides "hangout time" in informal breakout rooms. Presenters have the option of a private breakout room in which to meet with anyone who wants to continue the conversation. Guests may move from room to room, or request a room of their own. Think of the breakout rooms as tables in a large lounge. Drop by for a coffee and visit whichever tables you wish. It's like taking a walk along the shore of Loch Tay with someone or dropping by the lower level break room of the Firbush Centre for that last-minute conversation before driving home.

How is Jesus the One for the Many?

The topic goes to the heart of biblical understanding and Christian faith, raising fundamental questions about the nature of God, of grace, of human capacity, and of how one man can take on himself the sins of the world. The Retreat will aim to address the main issues at stake and the interrelation between theological answers and their biblical foundation.

Firbush Retreats

Firbush retreats are organized and led by Robert T. Walker. They are usually held bi-annually at the Firbush Retreat Centre of the University of Edinburgh, located on Loch Tay in the Scottish Highlands. Firbush retreats are designed to make the best theology accessible to as many people as possible and especially those not trained in theology and often not familiar with routine technical terms. They combine times of worship and prayer with reflection on a theme related to Torrance theology. For more information, see the Firbush Retreats page or contact us.

Videos / Asynchronous Participation

Sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered after the retreat. Due to time zones and scheduling issues, more people will participate asynchronously by watching the videos than will attend in real time. And everyone is free to come and go as desired. Zoom fatigue is real! There is no reason to attend the whole event, especially all in one go. So register now, and you will be able to watch the recorded sessions at your convenience. Note: In order to promote spontaneous discussion, Q&A time is omitted from the posted videos.

Speakers, Organizers