Elmer M. Colyer Professor of Historical Theology Stanley Professor of Wesley Studies University of Dubuque Theological Seminary ecolyer@dbq.edu |
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About the Reader's Guide
The following essay is a reader's guide to the publications of Thomas F. Torrance. The essay covers both primary and secondary literature in relation to all of the main themes of Torrance's theology and also his life. Since Torrance's publications include more than six hundred items, this essay is introductory and adressed primarily to those just beginning to read the works of Thomas F. Torrance.
McGRATH NUMBERS: This online version is cross-referenced by means of McGrath numbers with the Sources bibliography. The Torrance "Sources" bibliography uses "McGrath numbers" to precisely identify publications and permit searching for reprints and related publications. In this web edition of Prof. Colyer's essay, McGrath numbers (which include the date of publication) are appended to each recommended item, indicated by a pound sign, like this: #2011-EMC-1, #2009-TFT-2, or #1941-002. For an explanation of how to use McGrath numbers and tags in searching, see "The Sources Bibliography as a Research Tool." For an explanation of how McGrath numbers work, see the McGrath Number FAQ.
COLYER CATEGORIES: The major sections of this Reader's Guide, or "Colyer Categories," support cross-references between the Sources bibliography and Member Profiles. Within the Sources bibliography, records are tagged with the name of the section in this Reader's Guide in which they appear. Colyer Categories are also used to describe areas of research interest in Member Profiles (see the Member Directory; password-protected, members-only).
This essay is reproduced with the kind permission of Participatio: The Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship. It appeared in Supplement 1 (2011): 38-63; #2011-EMC-1.