Studies Bibliography

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Total Records: 605

This Studies bibliography includes secondary sources which engage the theology and ideas of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, or David W. Torrance. It includes book reviews and items of any format, including audio and video. Notices of forthcoming works and newly published works are welcomed. This bibliography represents the collective effort of members and officers of the Fellowship. To submit a publication, please use the Publications Form.

McGrath # Reference Type Date More by this Author Publication View complete record
1955-JB2-1 Book 1955 Brown, James

James Brown, Subject and Object in Modern Theology, The Croall Lectures given at the University of Edinburgh 1953 (London: SCM Press, 1955)

Subject and Object in Modern Theology
1951-WM-1 Book 1951 Manson, William

William Manson, The Epistle to the Hebrews: An Historical and Theological Reconsideration, The Baird Lecture, 1949 (London, Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd., 1951)

The Epistle to the Hebrews
1943-WM-1 Book 1943 Manson, William

William Manson, Jesus the Messiah: The Synoptic Tradition of the Revelation of God in Christ; With Special Reference to Form-Criticism, The Cunningham Lectures (London: Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd., 1943)

Jesus the Messiah
1938-TT-1 Book 1938 Torrance, Thomas

Thomas Torrance, Expository Studies in St. John's Miracles (Edinburgh: James Clarke & Co., Ltd., [1938])

Expository Studies in St. John's Miracles
2017-EC2 Book

Myk Habets and Bobby Grow, eds., Evangelical Calvinism, vol. 2: Dogmatics and Devotion (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2017)

Evangelical Calvinism, vol. 2