Online and Open Access: All

Open Access - All

Total Records for STUDIES + SOURCES bibliography records with resources available online: 301
McGrath # Available Online Open Access Embedded, or Attached for Direct Download Date Publication View complete record
2024-MH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Myk Habets, "The Vagaries of Theology: Thomas F. Torrance and Practical Theology," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 175-213

The Vagaries of Theology
2024-EG-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Emmanuel Gergis, "The Christology of Thomas F. Torrance and the Coptic Church: A Bridge to Ecumenism," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 123-174

The Christology of Thomas F. Torrance and the Coptic Church
2024-VAS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Victor A. Shepherd, Review of Paul S. Molnar, The Centrality of Christ in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance: Some Dogmatic Implications (London: T&T Clark, 2024), Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 217-244

Review of Paul S. Molnar, The Centrality of Christ
2024-JR-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Jenny Richards, "Holistic Justice: Using the Work of T. F. Torrance and J. B. Torrance to Reframe Responses for Christian Women Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 93-121

Holistic Justice
2024-PLM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Paul Louis Metzger, "The Existential Significance of T. F. Torrance’s Christocentric Theology for Pastoral and Palliative Care," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 71-92

The Existential Significance of T. F. Torrance’s Christocentric Theology for Pastoral and Palliative Care
2024-CS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Chancellor Stillwell, "Preaching a Faith Not Our Own: Torrance and the Vicarious Faith of Christ," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 47-70

Preaching a Faith Not Our Own
2024-P-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024); #2024-P-2

The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance
2024-DJC-MH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Daniel J. Cameron and Myk Habets, "Editorial," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 3-8

2024-HK2-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Hakbong Kim, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and the Sacramental Action of the Church: The Promise of Social Ethics in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 9-27

The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and the Sacramental Action of the Church
2024-SJ-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2024

Stavan Narendra John, "Thomas F. Torrance’s Theology of the Ascension: A Practical Theological Dogmatic Sketch," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 29-46

Thomas F. Torrance’s Theology of the Ascension
2024-CC1-1 Open Access or no cost 2024

Cairns Craig, "'This is today/Raised out of history': Kenneth White, Existentialism and the Other Side of History​​​​​​​," Scottish Journal of History 13, no. 1 (2024): 78-100

This is today Raised out of history
2023-PDM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Paul D. Molnar, "Conflicting Visions of Grace and Nature: Appraising the Views of Thomas F. Torrance and Karl Rahner," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 3-59;  #2023-PDM-1

Conflicting Visions of Grace and Nature
2023-PDM-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Paul D. Molnar, "Torrance, Justification by Grace Alone, and 'Liberation Theology,'" Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 101-150; #2023-PDM-2

Torrance, Justification by Grace Alone, and 'Liberation Theology'
2023-CDK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Christian D. Kettler, "Response to Todd H. Speidell," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 191-198; #2023-CDK-1

Response to Todd H. Speidell
2023-JR-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Jenny Richards, "'Seeking Love, Justice and Freedom for All': Using the Work of T. F. and J. B. Torrance to Address Domestic and Family Violence," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 261-281

Seeking Love, Justice and Freedom for All
2023-JSB-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Jeremy S. Begbie, "Incarnation, Creation, and New Creation: T. F. Torrance and a Theological Re-Visioning of the Arts," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 61-79; #2023-JSB-1

Incarnation, Creation, and New Creation
2023-THS-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Todd H. Speidell, "Interview with Paul D. Molnar," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 81-97; #2023-THS-2

Interview with Paul D. Molnar
2023-CDK-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Christian D. Kettler, Review of Todd Speidell, Greg Marcar, and Andrew Torrance, eds., Søren Kierkegaard: Theologian of the Gospel (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2021), Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 229-233; #2023-CDK-2

Review of Søren Kierkegaard: Theologian of the Gospel
2023-EJVK-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

E. Jerome van Kuiken, "Up, Up and Away: Christian Kettler's Corpus and the Rise of 'Affective Barthianism': A Review Essay," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 213-228; #2023-EJVK-2

Up, Up and Away: Christian Kettler's Corpus and the Rise of 'Affective Barthianism'
2023-IJD-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Ivor J. Davidson, Review of Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God in Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance (T&T Clark, 2022), Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 201-212; #2023-IJD-1

Review of Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God
2023-THS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Todd H. Speidell, "The Soteriological Suspension of Ethics in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 151-190; #2023-THS-1

The Soteriological Suspension of Ethics in the Theology of T. F. Torrance
2023-SZ-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2023

Simeon Zahl, "Response to Van Kuiken," Participatio 10: "The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience" (2022): 235-240

Response to Van Kuiken
2022-EJVK-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2022

E. Jerome Van Kuiken, review of Simeon Zahl, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020)," Participatio 10: "The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience" (2022): 229-233

Review of Simeon Zahl (2020)
2022-DTE-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2022

D. T. Everhart, "The One vs. The Many: A Response to Woznicki and Crisp on the Christological Anthropology of T. F. Torrance," Journal of Analytic Theology 10 (2022): 293-308

The One vs. The Many
2021-PLM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Paul Louis Metzger, "The Import of Thomas F. Torrance’s Theological Anthropology for Addressing Racialization in Contemporary Society," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 129-156

The Import of Thomas F. Torrance’s Theological Anthropology for Addressing Racialization in Contemporary Society
2021-MF-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Marty Folsom, "Thomas F. Torrance and Personalism: Distinctions, Clarifications, and Paths Forward for Christian Anthropology," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 69-94

Thomas F. Torrance and Personalism
2021-DWT-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

David W. Torrance, "Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Reflections of a Brother," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 7-29

Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Reflections of a Brother
2021-GWZ-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Geordie W. Ziegler, "The Imago Dei as a Word of Grace in the Theological Anthropology of Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 157-172

The Imago Dei as a Word of Grace in the Theological Anthropology of Thomas F. Torrance
2021-GWD-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Gary W. Deddo, "Resisting Reductionism: Why We Need a Truly Theological Anthropology to counter the Dehumanization of God’s Humanity," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 95-128

Resisting Reductionism
2021-DJC-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Daniel J. Cameron, "Incarnation and Recreation: The Fallen Nature of Christ and the Re-creation of Humanity," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 51-68

Incarnation and Recreation
2021-HK2-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Hakbong Kim, "Thomas F. Torrance and Theological Anthropology," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 31-49

Thomas F. Torrance and Theological Anthropology
2021-MH-GWZ-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Myk Habets and Geordie W. Ziegler, "Editorial," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 1-6

2021-CBK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2021

Christopher B. Kaiser, "My Recollections of Thomas F. Torrance" (typescript dated 28 September 2021)

My Recollections of Thomas F. Torrance
2020-P-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2020

Participatio 8: "Torrance and Biblical Theology" (2020); #2020-P-1

Torrance and Biblical Theology
2020-EHPB-1 Open Access or no cost PDF, Video - embedded 2020

Elizabeth H. P. Backfish, "Shattering Itself against the Covenant: Reading Judges 2:20-22 with Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 8 (2020): 46-64; #2020-EHPB-1

Shattering Itself against the Covenant
2020-PO-1 Open Access or no cost PDF, Video - embedded 2020

Paul Owen, "An Essay-Review of Michael F. Bird and Preston M. Sprinkle, eds., The Faith of Jesus Christ: Exegetical, Biblical, and Theological Studies (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2009)," Participatio 8 (2020): 112-138; #2020-PO-1

An Essay-Review of Michael F. Bird and Preston M. Sprinkle, The Faith of Jesus Christ
2020-GWD-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2020

Gary W. Deddo, "T. F. Torrance on the Realist Reconfiguring of Theological and Biblical Studies to be Co-Servants of the Word of God," Participatio 8 (2020): 1-30; #2020-GWD-2

T. F. Torrance on the Realist Reconfiguring of Theological and Biblical Studies
2020-MR-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2020

Murray Rae, "Reading the Decalogue in the Community of Faith," Participatio 8 (2020): 31-45; #2020-MR-1

Reading the Decalogue in the Community of Faith
2020-EMH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2020

Erin M. Heim, "Pauline Adoption and T. F. Torrance’s Doctrine of the Incarnation," Participatio 8 (2020): 91-111; #2020-EMH-1

Pauline Adoption and T. F. Torrance’s Doctrine of the Incarnation
2020-JL-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2020

Jonathan Lett, "T. F. Torrance’s Unapologetic Theological Exegesis and Jesus’ Baptism of Repentance," Participatio 8 (2020): 65-90; #2020-JL-1

T. F. Torrance’s Unapologetic Theological Exegesis and Jesus’ Baptism of Repentance
2020-SSM-1 Open Access or no cost 2020

Stanley S. MacLean, "'Salvation is of the Jews': Thomas F. Torrance's Doctrine of Israel," The Pacific Journal of Theological Research 15, no. 1 (2020): 1-13

'Salvation is of the Jews'
2019-DJC-1 Open Access or no cost 2019

Daniel J. Cameron, "What It Means that Jesus Was ‘Without Sin," Christianity Today, December 5, 2019

What It Means that Jesus Was ‘Without Sin'
2019-ABT-1 Open Access or no cost PDF, Video - embedded 2019

Andrew Torrance, "Kierkegaard’s Paradoxical Christology," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 60-82

Kierkegaard’s Paradoxical Christology
2019-P-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019)

Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian"
2019-CSE-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

C. Stephen Evans, "Kierkegaard: Father of Existentialism or Critic of Existentialism?," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 2-20

Kierkegaard: Father of Existentialism or Critic of Existentialism?
2019-MR-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Murray Rae, "Kierkegaard and the Trinitarian Grammar of Christian Theology," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 22-40

Kierkegaard and the Trinitarian Grammar of Christian Theology
2019-DJG-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

David J. Gouwens, "Kierkegaard’s Incarnational Realism," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 41-59

Kierkegaard’s Incarnational Realism
2019-LCB-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Lee C. Barrett, "Kierkegaard on the Beauty of the Cross," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 83-101

Kierkegaard on the Beauty of the Cross
2019-GPM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

G. P. Marcar, "Temporal Goods, Divine Love and the Poverty of Christ: or, how Kierkegaard’s Ethic in Works of Love is Economically Apathetic," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 102-126

Temporal Goods, Divine Love and the Poverty of Christ
2019-PGZ-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Philip G. Ziegler, "The Theological Self in Kierkegaard’s Sickness unto Death," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 128-143

The Theological Self in Kierkegaard’s Sickness unto Death
2019-JC3-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Joshua Cockayne, "Communion and the Remission of Sin: A Kierkegaardian Account," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 144-166

Communion and the Remission of Sin
2019-APE-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Aaron P. Edwards, "Kierkegaard on Sin, Ambiguity, and Gospel Radicality: Towards a Response to George Pattison," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 167-189

Kierkegaard on Sin, Ambiguity, and Gospel Radicality
2019-SB-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Stephen Backhouse, "The Difference the Incarnation Makes: The changing nature of faith and offence in the pseudonyms of Søren Kierkegaard," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 190-223

The Difference the Incarnation Makes
2019-SW-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2019

Sylvia Walsh, "The Inverse Dialectic of Jest and Earnestness in Kierkegaard’s Theology," Participatio Supplemental Volume 5: "Søren Kierkegaard as a Christian, Incarnational Theologian" (2019): 224-240

The Inverse Dialectic of Jest and Earnestness in Kierkegaard’s Theology
JSS-2019-1 Open Access or no cost 2019

Jason S. Sexton, "Experiencing Justice from the Inside Out: Theological Considerations about the Church’s Role in Justice, Healing, and Forgiveness," Religions 10 (2019): 108

Experiencing Justice from the Inside Out
2018-KJV-1 Vimeo, Open Access or no cost Video - embedded 2018

Kevin Vanhoozer, "T. F. Torrance’s Kataphysical Poetics: How the Incarnation Relates Science to Theology" (Deerfield, Illinois: Trinity International University, 2018);

T. F. Torrance’s Kataphysical Poetics
2018-P-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018)

Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition
2018-GH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

George Hunsinger, "Review of Travis M. Stevick, Encountering Reality: T. F. Torrance on Truth and Human Understanding," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 184-188.

Review of Travis M. Stevick, Encountering Reality
2018-TAN-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Thomas A. Noble, "Wesley and Torrance: An Introductory Survey of Comparisons and Contrasts," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 1-10.

Wesley and Torrance
2018-EJVK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "All of Him for All of Us: Christ's Person and Offices in John Wesley and T. F. Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 11-38.

All of Him for All of Us
2018-TMS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Travis M. Stevick, "Overcoming the 'Hair's Breadth' between Methodism and Calvinism," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 63-82.

Overcoming the 'Hair's Breadth' between Methodism and Calvinism
2018-TAN-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Thomas A. Noble, "Grace and Election in the Theology of John Wesley and T. F. Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 39-62.

Grace and Election
2018-JPL-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Jacquelynn Price-Linnartz, "John Wesley and T. F. Torrance on Pneumatology, Theosis, and a Breath of Life for Dying Denominations," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 83-111.

John Wesley and T. F. Torrance on Pneumatology, Theosis, and a Breath of Life
2018-JS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Joel Scandrett, "A Catholic Spirit: John Wesley and T. F. Torrance in Ecumenical Perspective," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 112-143.

A Catholic Spirit
2018-RDH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Rodney D. Holder, "Review of Greg Cootsona, Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 144-147.

Review of Greg Cootsona, Mere Science and Christian Faith
2018-PDM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2018

Paul D. Molnar, "Response to Alexander J. D. Irving. Natural Theology: An Impossible Possibility?," Participatio Supplemental Volume 4: "Torrance and the Wesleyan Tradition" (2018): 148-183.

Natural Theology: An Impossible Possibility?​​​​​​​
2018-AL-1 Open Access or no cost 2018

Andreas Losch, "Appreciating Faith and Culture in an Age of Scientific Reasoning: On Constructive-Critical Realism," Theology Today 75, 2 (2018): 154-166

Appreciating Faith and Culture in an Age of Scientific Reasoning
2017-EMC-1 Open Access or no cost 2017

Elmer M. Colyer, "An Introductory Reader's Guide to the Published Works of T. F. Torrance,", Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2017; #2017-EMC-1

An Introductory Reader's Guide to the Published Works of T. F. Torrance
2017-P-1 Open Access or no cost 2017

Participatio 7, "Science, Epistemology, and Natural Theology" (2017)

Participatio 7, "Science, Epistemology, and Natural Theology" (2017)
2017-DJC-1 Open Access or no cost 2017

Daniel J. Cameron, "Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Ecumenical Theologian," Christianity Today, December 2, 2017

Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Ecumenical Theologian
2016-KT-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Kate Dugdale [Tyler], "The Motif of Koinonia in T. F. Torrance's Ecclesiology," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 32-50

The Motif of Koinonia in T. F. Torrance's Ecclesiology
2016-AM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Angus Morrison, "The Eucharist and Renewal in the Church," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 247-268

The Eucharist and Renewal in the Church
2016-JRR-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Jason R. Radcliff, "Review of Kevin Chiarot, The Unassumed is the Unhealed: The Humanity of Christ in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 243-246

Review of Kevin Chiarot, The Unassumed is the Unhealed
2016-CDK-3 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Christian D. Kettler, "Review of Don J. Payne, Surviving the Unthinkable: Choosing to Live after Someone You Love Chooses to Die," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 241-242

Review of Don J. Payne, Surviving the Unthinkable
2016-EJVK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "Review of Daniel J. Cameron, Flesh and Blood: A Dogmatic Sketch Concerning the Fallen Nature View of Christ’s Human Nature," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 237-240

Review of Daniel J. Cameron, Flesh and Blood
2016-TAN-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Thomas A. Noble, "Review of Alexandra S. Radcliff, The Claim of Humanity in Christ: Salvation and Sanctification in the Theology of T. F. and J. B. Torrance," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 233-236

Review of Alexandra S. Radcliff, The Claim of Humanity in Christ
2016-DP-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Derrick Peterson, "Review of Myk Habets, ed., Ecumenical Perspectives on the Filioque for the 21st Century," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 227-232

Review of Myk Habets, ed., Ecumenical Perspectives on the Filioque for the 21st Century
2016-DP-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Derrick Peterson, "Review of Myk Habets, Theology in Transposition: A Constructive Appraisal of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 222-226

Review of Myk Habets, Theology in Transposition
2016-EGF-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Eric G. Flett, "Review of Todd H. Speidell, Fully Human in Christ: The Incarnation as the End of Christian Ethics," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 219-221

Review of Todd H. Speidell, Fully Human in Christ
2016-JF-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Jennifer Floether, "Review of David W. Torrance, The Reluctant Minister: Memoirs," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 215-218

Review of David W. Torrance, The Reluctant Minister
2016-CDK-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Christian D. Kettler, "Review of Todd H. Speidell, ed., Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance’s Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 212-214

Review of Speidell, Trinity and Transformation
2016-ALSV-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Albert L. Shepherd V, "The Body of Christ Analogy in T. F. Torrance's Ecumenical Ecclesiology," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 50-72

The Body of Christ Analogy in T. F. Torrance's Ecumenical Ecclesiology
2016-GK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Gergo Kovács, "Thomas F. Torrance's Early Ecumenical Views on Ecclesiology," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 195-208

Thomas F. Torrance's Early Ecumenical Views on Ecclesiology
2016-SSM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Stanley S. MacLean, "A Radical New Humanism: Thomas Torrance’s Mission of the Church," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 178-194

A Radical New Humanism
2016-THS-2 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Todd H. Speidell, "The Gospel according to Job," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 269-275

The Gospel according to Job
2016-SFB-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Sandra Fach Brower, "Extending the Sacraments to Children: Insights from the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 151-177

Extending the Sacraments to Children
2016-WTM-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

W. Travis McMaken, "Actualism, Dualism, and Onto-Relations: Interrogating Criticism of Barth's Doctrine of Baptism," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 1-31

Actualism, Dualism, and Onto-Relations
2016-KC-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Kevin Chiarot, "T. F. Torrance and Apostolic Succession," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 112-150

T. F. Torrance and Apostolic Succession
2016-JDW-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Jeremy David Wallace, "Review of Matthew Baker and Todd H. Speidell, eds., T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy: Theology in Reconciliation," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 209-211

Review of Baker and Speidell, T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy
2016-DJP-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Don J. Payne, "Ecclesiological Highs and Lows: Thomas F. Torrance's Ecclesiological Influence on Ray S. Anderson," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 89-111

Ecclesiological Highs and Lows
2016-CDK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2016

Christian D. Kettler, "Where are the Fruits of Love? T. F. Torrance, The Vicarious Humanity of Christ, and Ecclesiology," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 73-88

Where are the Fruits of Love?
2016-P-1 Open Access or no cost 2016

Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016)

Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016)
2015-TMS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Travis M. Stevick, "The Unitary Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in the Thought of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 91-106

The Unitary Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in the Thought of T. F. Torrance
2015-MH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Myk Habets, "The Fallen Humanity of Christ: A Pneumatological Clarification of the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 18-44

The Fallen Humanity of Christ
2015-DF-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Donald Fairbairn, "Review of Jason R. Radcliff, Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers: A Reformed, Evangelical, and Ecumenical Reconstruction of the Patristic Tradition," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 115-118

Review of Jason R. Radcliff, Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers
2015-JB-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Jeremy Begbie, "Review of Eric G. Flett, Persons, Powers and Pluralities," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 113-114

Review of Eric G. Flett, Persons, Powers and Pluralities
2015-THS-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Todd H. Speidell, "The Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 56-90

The Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical in the Theology of T. F. Torrance
2015-EJVK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "Review of Andrew Purves, Exploring Christology and Atonement: Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 107-112

Review of Andrew Purves, Exploring Christology and Atonement
2015-CH-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Christopher Holmes, "'Renewal Through Union': Thomas F. Torrance on the New Basis of Ethics," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 45-55

Renewal Through Union
2015-CDK-1 Open Access or no cost PDF 2015

Christian D. Kettler, "He has seen the stars... For Us:  The Vicarious Humanity of Christ, the Priest of Creation," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 1-17

He has seen the stars... For Us