Early Christian Worship
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Oscar A. Cullman, Early Christian Worship, trans. James B. Torrance and Todd Stewart (London: SCM Press, 1950); #1950-JBT-1
See James Chaousis' bibliography record: #2004-JC.
Items below are included in James Chaousis' bibliography.
Oscar A. Cullman, Early Christian Worship, trans. James B. Torrance and Todd Stewart (London: SCM Press, 1950); #1950-JBT-1
Donald M. MacKay, James B. Torrance, et al., Where Science and Faith Meet (London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1953); #1953-JBT-1
Donald M. MacKay, James B. Torrance, et al., Where Science and Faith Meet (London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1953); #1963-JBT-1
Trevor A. Hart and Daniel P. Thimell, eds., Christ in Our Place: The Humanity of God in Christ for the Reconciliation of the World; Essays presented to Professor James Torrance (Exeter, Great Britain: Paternoster Press; Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1989); #1989-511a
James B. Torrance and Roland C. Walls, John Duns Scotus in a Nutshell: Doctor of the Church (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1992); #1992-JBT-1
Henry R. Sefton, John Knox: An Account of the Development of His Spirituality, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1993); #1993-JBT-1
Michael Jinkins, Love is of the Essence: An Introduction to the Theology of John McLeod Campbell, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1993); #1993-JBT-2
Trevor A. Hart, The Teaching Father: An Introduction to the Theology of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1993); #1993-JBT-3
Graham W. P. McFarlane, ed., Edward Irving: The Trinitarian Face of God, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-1
Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo, George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, The Devotional Library, ed. Michael Jinkins and James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-2
David A. S. Fergusson, ed., John and Donald Baillie: Selected Writings, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jenkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1997)
James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996); #1996-JBT-7
James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster Press, 1996), #1996-JBT-6; Bellingham, Washington: Faithlife Corporation, Logos Bible Software, 2016, #1996-JBT-6-Logos
James Chaousis, Works by James B. Torrance (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2004; http://www.tftorrance.org/works-jamestorrance.php); #2004-JC
James B. Torrance, The Triune God of Love or Contract-God: The Unconditional Freeness of Grace, ed. Alan Torrance and Andrew Torrance (Downer's Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, forthcoming)
James B. Torrance, "The Priesthood of Jesus: A Study in the Doctrine of the Atonement," in Essays in Christology for Karl Barth, ed. T. H. L. Parker (London: Lutterworth Press, 1956), 153-173; #1956-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ," in The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1998), 127-147; #1998-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship," in Theological Foundations for Ministry: Selected Readings for a Theology of the Church in Ministry, ed. Ray S. Anderson (Edinburgh: T&T Clark; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Erdmans, 1979), 348-369; #1979-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ," in The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1981), 127-147; #1981-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, "Calvinism and Puritanism in England and Scotland: Some Basic Concepts in the Development of Federal Theology," in Calvinus Reformator: His Contribution to Theology, Church and Society (Potchefstroom, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1982), 264-286; #1982-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "Strengths and Weaknesses of the Westminster Theology," in The Westminster Confession in the Church Today: Papers prepared for the Church of Scotland Panel on Doctrine, ed. Alasdair I. C. Heron (Edinburgh: The Saint Andrews Press, 1982), 40-54; #1982-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, "Interpreting the Word by the Light of Christ or the Light of Nature? Calvin, Calvinism, and Barth," in Calviniana: Ideas and Influence of Jean Calvin, ed. Robert V. Schnucker, Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, 10 (Kirksville, Missouri: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, Inc., 1988), 255-267; #1988-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Ministry of Reconciliation Today: The Realism of Grace," in Incarnational Ministry: The Presence of Christ in Church, Society, and Family; Essays in Honor of Ray S. Anderson, ed. Christian D. Kettler and Todd H. Speidell (Helmers & Howard: Colorado Springs, CO, 1990), 130-139; #1990-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Trinity in Our Contemporary Situation," in The Forgotten Trinity: A Selection of Papers Presented to the BCC Study Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine Today, ed. Alasdair I. C. Heron (London: British Council of Churches, 1991), 3-17; #1991-JBT-1a
James B. Torrance, "Contemplating the Trinitarian Mystery of Christ," in Alive to God: Studies in Spirituality presented to James Houston, ed. James I. Packer and Loren Wilkinson (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1992), 140-151; #1992-JBT-3
James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in Henry R. Sefton, John Knox: An Account of the Development of His Spirituality, The Devotional Library (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1993), vii; #1993-JBT-1b
Michael Jinkins and James B. Torrance, "General Editors' Foreword," in Michael Jinkins, Love is of the Essence: An Introduction to the Theology of John McLeod Campbell (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1993), vii; #1993-JBT-2b
James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in Trevor A. Hart, The Teaching Father: An Introduction to the Theology of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen, The Devotional Library (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1993), vii; #1993-JBT-3b
James B. Torrance, "The Nature of the Problem," in Where Science and Faith Meet (London: InterVarsity Press, 1963), 7-13; #1963-JBT-1b
James B. Torrance, "The Vicarious Humanity and the Priesthood of Christ in the Theology of John Calvin," in Calvinus Ecclesiae Doctor, ed. William H. Neuser (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1978), 69-84; #1978-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship," in Theological Foundations for Ministry: Selected Readings for a Theology of the Church in Ministry, ed. Ray S. Anderson (Edinburgh: T&T Clark; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Erdmans, 1979), 348-369; #1979-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Concept of Federal Theology: Was Calvin a Federal Theologian?," in Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor: Calvin as Professor of Holy Scripture, ed. Wilhelm H. Neuser (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994), 15-40; #1994-JBT-4
James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in Edward Irving: The Trinitarian Face of God, ed. Graham W. P. McFarlane (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996), iv; #1996-JBT-1b
James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, ed. Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996), vii; #1996-JBT-2b
James B. Torrance, "Introduction," in John McLeod Campbell: The Nature of the Atonement, ed. James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996), 1-16; #1996-JBT-4
James B. Torrance, "Christ in Our Place: The Joy of Worship," in A Passion for Christ: The Vision that Ignites Ministry, ed. Jock Stein and Gerrit Scott Dawson (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Lenoir: PLC Publications, 1999), 35-54; 1999-JBT-1a
James B. Torrance, "Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ," in A Passion for Christ: The Vision that Ignites Ministry, ed. Jock Stein and Gerrit Scott Dawson (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Lenoir: PLC Publications, 1999), 55-70; 1999-JBT-1c
James B. Torrance, "The Covenant Concept in Scottish Theology and Politics," in The Covenant Connection: From Federal Theology to Modern Federalism, ed. Daniel J. Elazar and John Kincaid (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2000); #2000-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, “I Know Not How to Pray,” in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 290; #2016-JBT-1b
James B. Torrance, "Interpretation and Understanding in Schleiermacher's Theology: Some Critical Questions," Scottish Journal of Theology 21 (1968): 268-282; #1968-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "Covenant or Contract?: A Study of the Theological Background of Worship in Seventeenth-Century Scotland," Scottish Journal of Theology 23 (1970): 51-76; #1970-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, "The Contribution of McLeod Campbell to Scottish Thelogy," Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 295-311; #1973-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Covenant Concept in Scottish Theology and Politics and Its Legacy," Scottish Journal of Theology 34 (1981): 225-243; #1981-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Incarnation and 'Limited Atonement'," Evangelical Quarterly 55 (1983): 83-94; #1983-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "The Unconditional Freeness of Grace," Theological Renewal 9 (1978): 7-14; #1978-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, Grace, Law and Atonement (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1994), https://www.regentaudio.com/products/grace-law-atonement; #1994-JBT-2
James B. Torrance and James Houston, The Trinity, the Human Person and Community (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1999; https://www.regentaudio.com/products/the-trinity-the-human-person-and-community); #1999-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, "Worship and the Gospel," First Baptist Church Vancouver Archives, 14 lectures (Regent Audio, 1984); https://www.regentaudio.com/products/worship-and-the-gospel, #1984-JBT-3
James B. Torrance, The Forgotten Trinity: The Way of Worship (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1994; https://www.regentaudio.com/products/the-forgotten-trinity-the-way-of-worship); #1994-JBT-3
James B. Torrance and James Houston, Prayer and the Trinitarian Faith in the Life of the Church (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1997; https://www.regentaudio.com/products/prayer-and-the-trinitarian-faith-in-the-life-of-the-church); #1997-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, Gender, Sex and the Trinity (Audio recording); -JBT-pending
James B. Torrance, Grace for Mission of the Church (Audio recording); -JBT-pending
James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Audio recording); -JBT-pending
James B. Torrance, Spirit in the Church (Audio recording); -JBT-pending
James B. Torrance, "Barth's Political Philosophy," Regent College, 1975 (Vancouver, British Columbia, Regent Audio, https://www.regentaudio.com/products/barths-political-philosophy); #1975-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "Commission on the Trinity: Why this Commission?" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-1
James B. Torrance, "Two Views of Worship In Scotland Today" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-10
James B. Torrance, "Union with God, through Union with Christ: Notes on Christian Spirituality" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-11
James B. Torrance, "Baptism: Sign of Belonging" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-12
James B. Torrance, "The Lord's Supper" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-13
James B. Torrance, "Reconciliation: Wonderful Exchange" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-14
James B. Torrance, "Three Theological Models" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-15
James B. Torrance, "Truth of Being, Truth of Statement," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-16
James B. Torrance, "Who? or How? Two different approaches; Two types of theology," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-17
James B. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Person of Christ: 4 answers to the Who? question," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-18
James B. Torrance, "Unconditional Imperatives (Love); Descriptive IFs; Prescriptive IFs," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-19
James B. Torrance, "Reconciliation, Sectarianism and Civil Religion in South Africa and Northern Ireland" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-2
James B. Torrance, "Nature/Grace Model of Federal Theology," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-20
James B. Torrance, "Appendix: Grace and Law in Paul and Rabbinic Judaism" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-3
James B. Torrance, "Law and Gospel in the Calvinist Tradition" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-4
James B. Torrance, "Worship in the Reformed Church: The Purpose and Principles of Public Worship" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-5
James B. Torrance, "Worship, Baptism, Eucharist" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-6
James B. Torrance, "Infant Baptism: Some Theological Reflections" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-7
James B. Torrance, "On the Admission of Children to the Lord’s Table" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-8
James B. Torrance, "Towards a Theology of Response" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-9
James B. Torrance, "The Nature of the Problem," in Where Science and Faith Meet (London: InterVarsity Press, 1953), 7-13; #1953-JBT-1b