Past Conferences

Past Conferences

Title Dates Event Location
Torrance Retreat Fall 2010

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Spring 2011

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2011

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Spring 2012

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2012

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Summer 2013

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2013

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Summer 2014

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2014

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin) 

Torrance Retreat Summer 2015

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2015

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Summer 2016

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2016

Firbush Retreat Centre, University of Edinburgh, South Loch Tay (3 miles east of Killin)

Torrance Retreat Fall 2018

31 October - 2 November, 2018

University of Edinburgh Firbush Retreat Center, Loch Tay

Evangelical Theological Society 2018 annual meeting

Tuesday through Thursday, November 13 - 15, 2018

Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel, Denver, Colorado

TFT Fellowship Annual Meeting 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018.  1:00 to 4:00 pm.

Denver, Colorado. Colorado Convention Center, Mile High Ballroom 1A. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver. Program #: P16-251.

American Academy of Religion 2018 Annual Meeting

November 17-20, 2018

Denver, Colorado.  Colorado Convention Center and assorted downtown hotels.

Torrance Retreat Summer 2019

June 12-14, 2019

University of Edinburgh Firbush Retreat Center, Loch Tay

Torrance Retreat Fall 2019

Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019

Firbush Centre, University of Edinburgh

2019 Annual Meeting

A Symposium: T. F. Torrance on Theosis and Universal Salvation
Friday, November 22, 2019, 1:00-4:00 pm.

Hilton Bayfront-206 (Second Level)
Session #P22-206
American Academy of Religion Annual Conference
San Diego, California, USA.