Iain R. Torrance, "A Bibliography of the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance, 1941-1989," Scottish Journal of Theology 43 (1990): 225-262; #1990-IRT
Torrance, Iain R. "A Bibliography of the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance, 1941-1989." Scottish Journal of Theology 43, no. 2 (1990): 225-262; #1990-IRT
Publication life cycle / General notes
See items in Iain Torrance's bibliography.
* Scope: Thomas F. Torrance.
* Range: 1941 to 1989
* # items: 529
* Based upon a bibliography created and maintained by Thomas F. Torrance (a source shared in common with Alister McGrath).
* TFT's unpublished papers are now at Princeton, and may be consulted there: Manuscript Guide, The Thomas F. Torrance Manuscript Collection; Special Collections, Princeton Theological Seminary Library (#W-TFT-1).
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