Thomas F. Torrance, ed., Belief in Science and in Christian Life: The Relevance of Michael Polanyi's Thought for Christian Faith and Life (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1998); #1998-TFT-1
Torrance, Thomas F., ed. Belief in Science and in Christian Life: The Relevance of Michael Polanyi's Thought for Christian Faith and Life. The Torrance Collection. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1998; #1998-TFT-1
Based on papers presented in a conference of the same title held in November 1978 at St. Catherine's, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor. There are no differences in pagination or content in this edition compared with the Handsel Press first edition (#1980-370; see for contents and full info).
Included in the Logos Select Works of Thomas F. Torrance collection, #2018-TFT-1-Logos.