Thomas F. Torrance, "The Atonement in the Teaching of St. Paul: Atonement as Justification," in Atonement: The Person and Work of Christ, ed. Robert T. Walker (Milton Keynes: Paternoster; Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009), 97-136; #2009-TFT-1d
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Atonement in the Teaching of St. Paul: Atonement As Justification." In Atonement: The Person and Work of Christ, 97-136. Edited by Robert T. Walker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster; Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009; #2009-TFT-1d
In the original outline... this and the following two chapters were all part of one chapter entitled 'The Atonement in the teaching of St Paul', and under the headings of 'Atonement as justification', 'Atonement as reconciliation', and 'Atonement as redemption' they constituted the three main sections of that extended chapter.