Thomas F. Torrance, "The Implications of Oikonomia for Knowledge and Speech of God in Early Christian Theology," in Oikonomia: Heilsgeschichte als Thema der Theologie; Oscar Cullmann zum 65 Geburtstag gewidmet, ed. Felix Christ (Hamburg: Herbert Reich, 1967), 223-238; #1967-249
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Implications of Oikonomia for Knowledge and Speech of God in Early Christian Theology." In Oikonomia: Heilsgeschichte als Thema der Theologie; Oscar Cullmann Zum 65 Geburtstag Gewidmet, 223-238. Edited by Felix Christ. Hamburg: Herbert Reich, 1967; #1967-249
Later adapted and revised as "The Hermeneutics of Clement of Alexandria" (#1988-499) and as Chapter 6 in Divine Meaning (#1995-588h).
First paragraph: "We shall take our orientation from the thought of Clement of Alexandria and make his teaching the basis for our discussion. The reason for this is that he was not only one of the first to attempt to put Christian theology upon a scientific basis by working out the inner connections of faith (pistis) and knowledge (episteme), but that what he did had far-reaching implications for later thought, both through the strength and through the weakness of his constructions."