Thomas F. Torrance, "The Nature of the Ascension Event," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 123-142; #1976-331h
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Nature of the Ascension Event." In Space, Time and Resurrection, 123-142. Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976; #1976-331h
“...statements regarding that ascension are closed at man’s end (because bounded within the space-time limits of man’s existence on earth) but are infinitely open at God’s end, open to God’s own eternal Being and the infinite room of his divine life. Here we discern the theological significance of the intention in Byzantine art in a deliberate reversal of the natural perspective in depicting the dais on which the figure of Christ is made to stand, lest it should be enclosed within converging lines, which when produced meet at a finite point. When the lines depicting the dais are made to diverge, against the natural perspective, then when produced they never meet but go out into infinity. At one end of the ikon or mosaic the figure of Christ stands in bounded space and time, but at the other end he transcends all such limitations. He became man without ceasing to be God, and lived within our physical and historical existence without leaving the throne of the universe.” (pp. 131-132)