James B. Torrance, Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1995); #1995-JBT-1
Torrance, James B. Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity. A lecture series recorded in 1995. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1995, https://www.regentaudio.com/products/gender-sexuality-and-the-trinity; #1995-JBT-1
A lecture series recorded in 1995. 1 hour, 43 minutes. Purchase online from Regent Audio, Product ID RGDL2504J.
Brent found in “OCLC” - 1995-JBT-1
This lecture aims to recover the centrality of the doctrine of the Trinity for a better concept of God, a more biblical understanding of worship, and for a better understanding of our destiny in the purposes of God to be a community of persons enjoying communion with Him and one another.