The Impossibility of Natural Knowledge of God in T. F. Torrance’s Reformulated Natural Theology


W. Travis. McMaken, "The Impossibility of Natural Knowledge of God in T. F. Torrance’s Reformulated Natural Theology," International Journal of Systematic Theology 12, 3 (2010): 319-340


McMaken, W. Travis. "The Impossibility of Natural Knowledge of God in T. F. Torrance’s Reformulated Natural Theology." International Journal of Systematic Theology 12, 3 (2010): 319-340


T. F. Torrance’s work on the relation of theology and science has been met with skepticism from other students of Karl Barth. One recent example of this has come from Paul Molnar. Molnar argues a number of ‘Barthian’ points against Torrance, but has failed to penetrate to the heart of Torrance’s vision. Of central import is whether Torrance countenances any possibility of natural knowledge of God. I will argue that he does not. If one understands Torrance’s rejection of natural knowledge of God, and approaches his reformulated natural theology in this light, Molnar’s criticisms of, and concerns about, Torrance’s position can be set aside.

Journal (click to see more)