Memoirs of Annie Elizabeth Sharpe


Annie Elizabeth Sharpe Torrance, Memoirs of Annie Elizabeth Sharpe, Wife of Rev. Thomas Torrance: Missionaries in Sichuan, West China, Up to 1927 (The Torrance Family, 2006)


Torrance, Annie Elizabeth Sharpe. Memoirs of Annie Elizabeth Sharpe, Wife of Rev. Thomas Torrance: Missionaries in Sichuan, West China, Up to 1927. Unpublished manuscript, 1975; edited Grace Brownlee Torrance Walker and David W. Torrance. The Torrance Family, 2006

Publication life cycle / General notes

Privately printed by Grace Lennox for members of the Torrance family. In a prefatory letter, Grace Walker writes that the reminiscences "were written by my mother, after persuasion, during her visit to Lesmahagow about 1975." In an editor's note, David W. Torrance reports that Grace typed out her mother's handwritten manuscript in 1983. Thereafter the manuscript was "professionally typed" and edited by David and Grace, which was completed in 2005. The contents page indicates "copyright Torrace [sic] Family 2006."

  • Letter by Grace Brownlee Torrance Walker
  • Editor's Note by D. W. Torrance
  • A. E. Torrance, "Written for my six children"
    • Part 1: Early Year to End of First Furlough
    • Part 2: Second Term till Marseilles on Voyage Home
    • Postscript: "The family back in Scotland" (David W. Torrance)
  • Appendix A:
    • Thomas Torrance (1871-1959)
  • Appendix B: 
    • Family Trees
      • (i) Anne Elizabeth Sharpe
      • (ii) The Torrance Family by 2004
    • Historic Family Photographs
  • Appendix C
    • Catalogue of Thomas Torrance's Papers & Documents kept at Yale University