The Ministry of Women


Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ministry of Women," Touchstone: A Journal of Ecumenical Orthodoxy 5 (1992): 5-12; #1992-TFT-3


Torrance, Thomas F. "The Ministry of Women." Touchstone: A Journal of Ecumenical Orthodoxy 5, no. 4 (1992): 5-12; #1992-TFT-3

Publication life cycle / General notes

The journal is sometimes subtitled "A Journal of Ecumenical Orthodoxy" and sometimes "A Journal of Mere Christianity."

Ensuing correspondence afterwards appeared as #1993-563 and #1993-566.

Handsel Press booklet (1992). Reprinted in "The Call to Serve" (1996); and in Gospel, Church, and Ministry (2012).

Journal (click to see more)