David W. Torrance, The Mission of Christians and Jews (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1986); #1986-DWT-2
Torrance, David W. The Mission of Christians and Jews. Handsel Booklets on Church and Israel. Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1986; #1986-DWT-2
Foreword by Robert Craig, Moderator-Designate of the Church of Scotland, written for the four related booklets on Israel by DWT, Alastair Lamont, James Walker, and Howard Taylor (p. 1). Afterword by Jock Stein (p. 12), on the four booklets, and mentioning a Jerusalem Gathering at Easter 1986. This booklet by DWT is the first in the series.
Stein: "The main content of this booklet was originally given as an address to a VIA SUCOT conference at Crieff Hydro."
Later reprinted in Passion for Christ (#1999-PFC-1). The other booklets in Series C on Church and Israel are:
- DWT and A. F. Lamont, Anti-Semitism and Christian Responsibility;
- James Walker, Israel, Covenant and Land;
- Howard Taylor, World Hope in the Middle East.