Thomas F. Torrance, The Mediation of Christ: Evangelical Theology and Scientific Culture, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs: Helmers and Howard, 1992); #1992-TFT-4
Torrance, Thomas F. The Mediation of Christ: Evangelical Theology and Scientific Culture. 2d ed. Colorado Springs: Helmers and Howard, 1992; #1992-TFT-4
Contents of this #1992-TFT-4 American edition are identical to the #1992-542 British edition; see that record for a full description.
Contains a new chapter, "The Atonement and the Holy Trinity" (#1992-542a).
Pagination differs from earlier editions.
Audio lectures given in 1981 are available from Princeton (#1981-TFT-5).
Preface, ix.
Foreword, xi.
Ch. 1: The Mediation of Revelation, p. 1.
Ch. 2: The Mediation of Reconciliation, p. 24.
Ch. 3: The Person of the Mediator, p. 47.
Ch. 4: The Mediation of Christ in our Human Response, p. 83.
Ch. 5: The Atonement and the Holy Trinity, p. 99.
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