Thomas F. Torrance, "The Christian Apprehension of God the Father," in Speaking the Christian God: The Holy Trinity and the Challenge of Feminism, ed. Alvin F. Kimel, Jr. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1992), 120-143; #1992-548
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Christian Apprehension of God the Father." In Speaking the Christian God: The Holy Trinity and the Challenge of Feminism, 120-143. Edited by Alvin F. Kimel, Jr. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1992; #1992-548
- Exchanging God for "no gods": a discussion of female language for God / Elizabeth Achtemeier
- Language for God and feminist language : problems and principles / Roland M. Frye
- The gender of God and the theology of metaphor / Garrett Green
- Proteus and Procrustes: a study in the dialectic of language in disagreement with Sallie McFague / Colin Gunton
- Can a feminist call God "Father"? / Janet Martin Soskice
- "The Father, he --" / Robert W. Jenson
- Naming the One who is above us / Gerhard O. Forde
- The Christian apprehension of God the Father / Thomas F. Torrance
- Apophatic theology and the naming of God in Eastern Orthodox tradition / Thomas Hopko
- Knowing and naming the triune God : the grammar of Trinitarian confession / J.A. DiNoia
- The God who likes his name: Holy Trinity, feminism, and the language of faith / Alvin F. Kimel, Jr.
- Trinitarian worship / Geoffrey Wainwright
- The question of woman's experience of God / Elizabeth A. Morelli
- Creation as Christ: a problematic theme in some feminist theology / David A. Scott
- Worldview, language, and radical feminism: an evangelical appraisal / Stephen M. Smith
- The movement and the story: whatever happened to "her"? / Blanche A. Jenson
- The incarnation of God in feminist Christology: a theological critique / Ray S. Anderson
- Christianity or feminism? / Leslie Zeigler
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