Thomas F. Torrance, "Eschatology and the Eucharist," in Intercommunion, ed. Donald M. Baillie and John Marsh (London: SCM Press, 1952), 303-350; #1952-052
Torrance, Thomas F. "Eschatology and the Eucharist." In Intercommunion, 303-350. Edited by Donald M. Baillie and John Marsh. London: SCM Press, 1952; #1952-052
Prepared for the World Conference on Faith and Order at Lund. Reprinted in Conflict and Agreement in the Church, vol. 2 (#1960-155e).
Volume full title: "Intercommunion: The report of the theological commission appointed by the Continuation Committee of the World Conference on Faith and Order, together with a selection from the material presented to the commission."
Part I consists of The Report of the Commission. The rest of the volume consists of contributed essays: Part II, Some Historical Studies of the Problem; and Part III, Contributions to the Present Discussions of Intercommunion.
Torrance’s essay is in Part III.
Part I: The Report of the Commission.
Part II: Some Historical Studies of the Problem.
Part III: Contributions to the Present Discussions of Intercommunion.