La Sacerdoce Royal (Royal Priesthood)


Thomas F. Torrance, La Sacerdoce Royal (Royal Priesthood), trans. Gérard Huni (Neuchâtel:  Delachaux et Niestlé, 1955); #1955-082


Torrance, Thomas F. La Sacerdoce Royal (Royal Priesthood). Translated by Gérard Huni. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1955; #1955-082

Publication life cycle / General notes

French translation of #1955-081. There was a reprint in 1958.

Revision status

Check Paris, Oxford and British Library catalogs to see if the 1955 translation exists.  The 1955 edition is not in OCLC.  Was 1955 a mistyping of 1958?  BG has 1955, not 1958.

Publisher (click to see more)