Thomas F. Torrance, Royal Priesthood: A Theology of Ordained Ministry (Edinburgh, New York: T&T Clark, 1993); #1993-561
Torrance, Thomas F. Royal Priesthood: A Theology of Ordained Ministry. 2d ed. Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, 3. Edinburgh, New York: T&T Clark, 1993; #1993-561
Publication life cycle / General notes
Second edition (#1993-561). The title proclaims this as a "New edition." This edition has a new preface (1993) replacing the old one. Other than the changed preface, it appears the same: the main text has the same number of pages (108 pp.) and pagination is unchanged.
See the first edition (#1955-081) for full info.
This OCLC record is for an electronic edition; the print edition is 29358552.
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- PTS copy.
- OU copy donated by Robert T. Walker.