The Breaking of Bread


Thomas F. Torrance, "The Breaking of Bread," Liturgical Studies, May, 1 (1971): 18-26; #1971-291


Torrance, Thomas F. "The Breaking of Bread." Liturgical Studies, May, 1, no. 1 (1971): 18-26; #1971-291

Publication life cycle / General notes

Sermon preached by T. F. Torrance at the Ecumenical Service, Kirk of the Greyfriars, Edinburgh, May 24, 1970. Text: Acts 2: 41-47. "The Church Service Society Annual first appeared in 1928 and continued on an annual basis until 1970. Thereafter, it was agreed that the Church Service Society should publish a periodical twice yearly under the title Liturgical Studies." Vol. 1, no. 1, May 1971.

Revision status

Starts on p. 18 (as in BG, IT), not on p. 8 (AM).


In a sermon by T F Torrance, based on the text of Acts 2: 42, he identifies a renewed understanding of Scripture that has emerged as a consequence of ecumenical engagement, and he particularly records his indebtedness to the Orthodox tradition. Thereafter, he seeks to expound the text ‘through the eyes of the Greek Orthodox Church’, in relation to three themes: 1) ‘Fidelity to Apostolic Doctrine’ 2) ‘Communion of the Holy Spirit’, and 3) “Eucharistic Worship of the People of God”. He affirms that the worship of the Orthodox Church is ‘the most biblically grounded worship’ known to him, and he contrasts this with contemporary Protestant worship which he regards as essentially an expression of the human self.

Journal (click to see more)