Thomas F. Torrance, ed., The Scottish Order of Christian Unity: Memorandum of Foundation, Charter, Structure, Constitution, Rules (Edinburgh: Scottish Order of Christian Unity, 1996); #1996-601
The Scottish Order of Christian Unity: Memorandum of Foundation, Charter, Structure, Constitution, Rules. Edited by Thomas F. Torrance. Edinburgh: Scottish Order of Christian Unity, 1996; #1996-601
Publication life cycle / General notes
No explicit mention of an author or editor is given. That TFT was the editor is suggested by its inclusion in McGrath's bibliography (which was given to him by TFT).
Lists executive officers of the S.O.C.U. on page 8, with TFT as President.
Publisher (click to see more)
Local Notes (to find a copy in a library near you, use the WorldCat link in the right sidebar)
- Oklahoma History of Science Collections copy donated by Calum MacKellar.