James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-6
Torrance, James B. Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace. Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster Press, 1996; #1996-JBT-6
The Didsbury Lectures, 1994.
Published simultaneously in the UK and US. Different pagination in this UK edition (xi, 115 pp.; see below), than in the American edition #1996-JBT-7 (130 pp.).
Compare audio recordings of a similar lecture series, #1997-JBT-1.
For full info and chapter descriptions see the first American edition, #1996-JBT-7.
"To my dear wife Mary who has helped me to see the meaning of being in loving communion with God and with one another."
Below: pagination is for this UK edition; chapter links are to the American edition.
Preface, pp. ix-xi; #1996-JBT-7a.
Introduction: The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship, pp. 1-5; #1996-JBT-7b.
1. Worship – Unitarian or Trinitarian?, pp, 6-31; #1996-JBT-7c.
2. The Sole Priesthood of Christ, the Mediator of Worship, pp. 32-57; #1996-JBT-7d.
3. Baptism and the Lord's Supper – the Way of Communion, pp. 58-83; #1996-JBT-7e.
4. Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity, pp. 84-110; #1996-JBT-7f.
Appendix: On Human Language for God: Simile, Metaphor, Parable, Analogy, Name, pp. 111-115; #1996-JBT-7g.
- OU copy of the UK edition donated by Robert T. Walker.
- PTS copy of the US edition.