Thomas F. Torrance, "The Distinctive Character of the Reformed Tradition," Reformed Review 54 (2000): 5-16; #2000-TFT-4
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Distinctive Character of the Reformed Tradition." Reformed Review 54, no. 1 (2000): 5-16.; #2000-TFT-4
Donnell Lecture, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, October 6 1988.
Reply Osterhaven, Maurice Eugene.
This article is followed by responses to Torrance and Sell by a professor, two ministers, and a missionary. Reformed Review. 54: 1 (Aut 2000), 29-56. ATLA #: ATLA0000008801.
This is part of a special issue: Cook, James I. Debating Reformed identity. Reformed Review. 54: 1 (Aut 2000), 5-56. ATLA #: ATLA0000008793.
It is, I believe, in its doctrine of God that the really fundamental character of any church tradition becomes revealed. That is certainly true of the whole Reformed tradition from John Calvin to Karl Barth. Thus, right from the start, over against the Latin patristic and medieval notions of the immutability and impassability of God, often construed in Aristotelian terms of the Unmoved Mover, the theologians of the Reformed church laid the emphasis upon the sovereign majesty of the mighty, living, acting God, with a closer relation between the mighty acts of God in Israel and in the kingdom and church of Christ.