Thomas F. Torrance, "The One Church of God in Jesus Christ," in Atonement: The Person and Work of Christ, ed. Robert T. Walker (Milton Keynes: Paternoster; Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009), 341-400; #2009-TFT-1k
Torrance, Thomas F. "The One Church of God in Jesus Christ." In Atonement: The Person and Work of Christ, 341-400. Edited by Robert T. Walker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster; Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009; #2009-TFT-1k
From Scottish Journal of Theology (#1963-199); Footnote #1: "Part of an essay written for the Faith and Order 'Commission on Christ and his Church,' of the World Council of Churches." A two-part series which concludes with #1966-243.
Reprinted in Theology in Reconstruction (#1965-223m).
Reprinted in Theological Foundations for Ministry (#1979-366b).
Reprinted in Robert Walker, ed., Atonement (#2009-TFT-1k). Walker: "This section is an abridged version of a duplicated student handout (23 pages) entitled 'The One Church of God'. The handout was 'part of an essay written for the Faith and Order 'Commission on Christ and His Church', of the World Council of Churches.' The first two sections of the handout were published in the Scottish Journal of Theology (SJT), vol. 16.2 (1963), pp. 113-31, under the title 'The Foundation of the Church' and subsequently reprinted in Theology in Reconstruction 1965."
Walker continues: "The third and final section 'The Sending of the Spirit and the Mission of the Apostles' appears to have been published only in the Scottish Journal of Theology, vol. 19.2 (1966), pp. 129-43, under the title 'The Mission of the Church'...." (#1966-243). Footnote to #1966-243: "Part of an essay written for the Faith and Order 'Commission on Christ and His Church', of the World Council of Churches, and sequel to the essay, 'The Foundation of the Church', published in SJT 16.2, 1963, pp. 113-31." This sequel was also published in French: #1966-244.