Thomas F. Torrance, "Eldership in the Reformed Church," in Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012), 182-200; #2012-TFT-1i
Torrance, Thomas F. “Eldership in the Reformed Church.” In Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein, 182-200. Thomas F. Torrance Collected Studies, 1. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012; #2012-TFT-1i
Publication life cycle / General notes
Note: "This was originally a booklet published by Handsel Press in 1984."
Compare booklet by Handsel Press (#1984-431) and article in the Scottish Journal of Theology (#1984-441). Reprinted in Gospel, Church, and Ministry (#2012-TFT-1i).
Included in the Logos Select Works of Thomas F. Torrance collection, cf. #2012-TFT-1-Logos.
Series Number
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