James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ


Gary W. Deddo, "'James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 244-260.


Deddo, Gary W. "'James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ." Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 244-260.

Publication life cycle / General notes

Reprinted as #2016-GWD-1.


This essay considers a particular emphasis that James B. Torrance brought out primarily within his explication of the doctrine of the Incarnation. He coined the phrase “the all-inclusive humanity of Christ” to sum up his biblical and theological synthesis of this aspect of the doctrine he wanted to highlight. It explores the unique contribution Torrance made to illuminating for Christian faith the meaning of the humanity of Christ far beyond simply his being like us in essential attributes and/or having a physical/empirical form. The signicance for ontology, anthropology, and soteriology is discussed in relationship to creation and redemption and relevant ethical implications are explored.

A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance