R. Scott Rodin, "Epistemology, Freedom and the Faithful Steward," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 73-79.
Rodin, R. Scott. "Epistemology, Freedom and the Faithful Steward." Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 73-79.
Reprinted as #2016-RSR-1.
James Torrance’s Trinitarian, incarnational theological framework had a profound effect on my development of a theology of the faithful steward. James' influence on my work is rooted in his concept of a Christocentric epistemology that I have built upon to establish the life of the steward as the proper starting point for a steward theology. My work was further shaped by James' affirmation of a Trinitarian creator who intended us to be relationally-wired as we bear his image in the world. The capstone of his influence is his Trinitarian Incarnational Model that reminds us that in the incarnation Christ bore vicariously the fullness of our humanity. As a result, Jesus Christ is the Faithful Steward, and our work of stewardship is a participation in his one great work accomplished for us. I conclude with a look at how the theology of the faithful steward produces worship and doxology as we are transformed into one – kingdom followers of Christ. This is my tribute to James' formative influence and an acknowledgement of how his theology lives on in and through my life and work.
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