Thomas F. Torrance, The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being, Three Persons, 2d ed. (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016); #2016-TFT-2
Torrance, Thomas F. The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being, Three Persons. 2d ed. Cornerstones Series. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016; #2016-TFT-2
New pagination. Includes a new "Introduction to the Second Edition" by Paul D. Molnar. Also available on Kindle and from the iBook Store (…).
See the original #1996-595 edition for full info.
The Trinity is grounded upon God's historical self-revelation in Jesus Christ. It is presented in this work as teaching which is implicit in the New Testament revelation and in the worship of the Early Church, rather than as a logical derivation from other aspects of Christian doctrine. Adopting an holistic approach, Professor Torrance explains the inter-relatedness of the three Persons - Father, Son the Holy Spirit - and their dynamic Communion in the Triune Being and Nature of God. "Combining immense academic range with new theological perspectives, Professor Torrance expounds in a rigorous way the basic teaching of the ancient Catholic Church and builds a significant bridge between ancient and modern, Catholic and Evangelical theology." (Jacket.)
The Christian perspective -- The biblical frame -- The Trinitarian mind -- One Being, three Persons -- Three Persons, one Being -- Trinity in unity and unity in Trinity -- The Sovereign Creator -- The unchangeableness of God.