Jacob Chengwei Feng, "From 'Bridge' to 'Starlink': An Update on Kang Phee Seng’s Model of Theology and Science Dialogue Toward a Chinese Theology of Science on Creativity," Theology and Science (2024), 1–18
Feng, Jacob Chengwei. "From 'Bridge' to 'Starlink': An Update on Kang Phee Seng’s Model of Theology and Science Dialogue Toward a Chinese Theology of Science on Creativity." Theology and Science (2024): 1–18
Engages TFT.
See article by Kang, #2006-KPS-1.
The world has been astonished by China’s rapid advancement in areas such as quantum science, nanocatalysis, and space exploration, to name a few. However, such an advancement faces external criticism of intellectual property theft and internal pessimism for lack of scientific innovation and creativity. This essay studies Hong Kong-based Chinese theologian Phee Seng Kang, one of the pioneers to bridge science and theology by initiating the highest level of East–West dialogue. This paper offers a sympathetic and critical assessment of Kang's model of theology and science dialogue and argues that a “starlink” model is more appropriate than his “bridge” model.