Thomas F. Torrance, "Barth: Equal to Athanasius, Part 3," The British Weekly and Christian World, Jun 21 (1962): 2; #1962-182
Torrance, Thomas F. "Barth: Equal to Athanasius, Part 3." The British Weekly and Christian World, June 21 (1962): 2; #1962-182
Publication life cycle / General notes
This article which concludes a series of three is taken - by special arrangement - from the outstanding introduction written by Professor Tom Torrance for Karl Barth's Theology and Church, published this week in The Preacher's Library Series by the SCM Press 37s. 6d.
Revision status
This is part 3 - does anyone have access to determine what parts 1 and 2 are? We don't have dates, page numbers or titles for Parts 1 and 2.
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