Thomas F. Torrance, "Service in Jesus Christ," in Service in Christ: Essays Presented to Karl Barth on his 80th Birthday, ed. James I. McCord and T. H. L. Parker (London: Epworth Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1966), 1-16; #1966-246
Torrance, Thomas F. "Service in Jesus Christ." In Service in Christ: Essays Presented to Karl Barth on His 80th Birthday, 1-16. Edited by James I. McCord and T. H. L. Parker. London: Epworth Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1966; #1966-246
Published in Service in Christ: Essays Presented to Karl Barth on his 80th Birthday (1966). The Epworth Press. Printed in the UK by W. & J. Mackay & Co. Ltd., Chatham. Distributed in the US by Eerdmans.
Translated into German (#1966-242).
Reprinted in Theological Foundations for Ministry (#1979-366e).
Reprinted in Gospel, Church, and Ministry (#2012-TFT-1f).
From the Foreword by James I. McCord and T. H. L. Parker: "We do not now leave Christology to write about diakonia, but we are trying to understand what it means that, because Christ the Head is the servant, the Church which is His body is both His servant and the servant of mankind."
Last paragraph: "Readers of Karl Barth will be aware of how much this essay owes to him and not least to the last volume of his Church Dogmatics, 4.3. It is highly appropriate that Diakonia should be the theme of this tribute to him, for rarely has any theologian so consistently directed his theological work to stimulate and prompt the diakonia of the divine mercy as the charge which Christ has laid upon the Church as a whole."
Other contributions to the same volume:
- Foreword, McCord and Parker.
- Service in Jesus Christ, by T. F. Torrance.
- The classical world, by J. B. Skemp.
- Old Testament, by N. W. Porteous.
- New Testament, by C. E. B. Cranfield.
- Early Church, by G. W. H. Lampe.
- Middle Ages, by G. Barrois.
- Reformation:
- Luther, by J. Atkinson.
- Diakonia in Martin Butzer, by Basil Hall.
- Calvin, by J. K. S. Reid.
- England, by G. W. Bromiley.
- Puritans, by G. Yule.
- Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, by F. Herzog.
- Christological understanding, by W. A. Whitehouse.
- Diakonia in some of the churches today:
- Anglican Communion, by A. M. Ramsey.
- Roman Catholic, by H. F. Davis.
- Reformed, by J. L. M. Haire
- Methodist, by G. S. Wakenfield.
- Diakonia in modern conditions, by D. M. Mackinnon.
- The church's diakonia in the modern world, by A. A. Brash.
- Ecumenical diakonia, by J. C. Smith.
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