James B. Torrance, Grace, Law and Atonement (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1994), https://www.regentaudio.com/products/grace-law-atonement; #1994-JBT-2
Torrance, James B. Grace, Law and Atonement. A lecture series recorded in 1994. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1994, https://www.regentaudio.com/products/grace-law-atonement; #1994-JBT-2
A lecture series recorded in 1994. 12 hours, 54 minutes. Purchase online from Regent Audio, Product ID RGDL2408S.
Is the God of the Bible the Triune God of grace who draws us into a life of communion and lays us under unconditional obligations or a contract God who needs to be conditioned into being gracious? This course examines the relation between grace and law.
Covenantal God or Contractual God. Grace and Law in Rabbinic Judaism. The Meaning of Atonement. A Critique of Federal Theology. John McLeod Campbell's Theology of Atonement.