Thomas F. Torrance, Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995); #1995-588
Torrance, Thomas F. Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995; #1995-588
This is one of five works Torrance conceived as a sequence on the history of hermeneutics. In the Prefaces to Divine Meaning (#1995-588) and The Hermeneutics of John Calvin (#1988-488), Torrance explains that he had originally projected a three-volume work on the hermeneutics of the Fathers, of Calvin, and of the Moderns. Divine Meaning (#1995-588) and The Hermeneutics of John Calvin (#1988-488) comprise the first two volumes of the trilogy, respectively. The third volume on the hermeneutics of the moderns was realized in a sub-trilogy of works: Space, Time and Incarnation (#1969-262); Space, Time and Resurrection (#1976-331), and Reality and Evangelical Theology (#1982-397). Torrance's intent with the larger trilogy was to focus on "the history of hermeneutical thought in which particular attention was devoted to the epistemological issues involved" (Divine Meaning Preface, p. 1). Regarding the "moderns" trilogy within a trilogy, Torrance explains (Calvin Preface, p. vii): "Some of the main problems that have arisen in modern hermeneutics have been discussed in" them.
Preface, 1. #1995-588a.
Introduction: Biblical Hermeneutics and General Hermeneutics, 5. #1995-588b.
1: The Complex Background of Biblical Interpretation, 15. #1995-588c.
2: Phusikos kai theologikos: St Paul and Athenagoras at Athens, 40. #1995-588d.
3: Kerygmatic Proclamation of the Gospel: Irenaeus, The Demonstration of Apostolic Preaching, 56. #1995-588e.
4: Dramatic Proclamation of the Gospel: Melito of Sardis, Homily on the Passion, 75. #1995-588f.
5: Early Patristic Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, 93. #1995-588g.
6: The Hermeneutics of Clement of Alexandria, 130. #1995-588h.
7: Athanasius: A Study in the Foundations of Classical Theology, 179. #1995-588i.
8: The Hermeneutics of Athanasius, 229. #1995-588j.
9: The Greek Conception of Space in the Background of Early Christian Theology, 289. #1995-588k.
10: The Relation of the Incarnation to Space in Nicene Theology, 343. #1995-588m.
11: The Logic and Analogic of Biblical and Theological Statements in the Greek Fathers, 374. #1995-588n.
12: Transition to the West: The Interpretation of Biblical and Theological Statements according to Hilary of Poitiers, 392. #1995-588o.
Index, 429.
- PTS copy.
- OU copy donated by Robert T. Walker.