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This Sources bibliography includes all known publications of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance and David W. Torrance (with the ongoing goal of direct independent verification of each reference). To submit a publication for consideration, please use the Publications Form.

McGrath # Reference Type Date More by this Author Publication View complete record
1983-425 Book chapter 1983 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "John Philoponos of Alexandria, Sixth Century Christian Physicist," in Texts and Studies: A Review for Hellenism in the Diaspora, ed. Methodios Fouyas (London: Thyateira House; Foundation for Hellenism in Great Britain, 1983), vol. 2, 261-265; #1983-425

John Philoponos of Alexandria, Sixth Century Christian Physicist
1983-426 Book chapter 1983 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Orthodox Church in Great Britain," in Texts and Studies: A Review for Hellenism in the Diaspora, ed. Methodios Fouyas (London: Thyateira House; Foundation for Hellenism in Great Britain, 1983), vol. 2, 253-259; #1983-426

The Orthodox Church in Great Britain
1982-402 Journal article 1982-9 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Bible's Guide on Baptism: Acts 2:14-39," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland, September (1982): 16-17; #1982-402

The Bible's Guide on Baptism: Acts 2:14-39
1982-406 Journal article 1982-7 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A 'Dark Whirlpool of Error' on the Scottish Identity," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1982): 18-19; #1982-406

A 'Dark Whirlpool of Error' on the Scottish Identity
1982-403 Journal article, Newspaper 1982-6-29 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, 'Charge Without Foundation', reply to Neil McCallum, 'Retraction sought,' Glasgow Herald (1982), June 29

Charge Without Foundation
1982-403 Journal article, Newspaper 1982-6-29 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, 'Charge Without Foundation', reply to Neil McCallum, 'Retraction sought,' Glasgow Herald (1982), June 29

Charge Without Foundation
1982-409 Journal article, Newspaper 1982-6-1 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "'Not against S[cottish] N[ational] P[arty]', Reply to Mr Neil McCallum's letter in The Scotsman, 24 May, regarding his misrepresentation of my remarks in the General Assembly about anti-semitism and an unnamed Scottish nationalist," The Scotsman, Jun 1 (1982): ; #1982-409

Not against SNP
1982-409 Journal article, Newspaper 1982-6-1 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "'Not against S[cottish] N[ational] P[arty]', Reply to Mr Neil McCallum's letter in The Scotsman, 24 May, regarding his misrepresentation of my remarks in the General Assembly about anti-semitism and an unnamed Scottish nationalist," The Scotsman, Jun 1 (1982): ; #1982-409

Not against SNP
1982-414 Journal article 1982-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Transformation in the Frame of Knowledge," Science and Public Policy 9 (1982): 97-100; #1982-414

Transformation in the Frame of Knowledge
1982-TFT-4 Audiovisual material 1982-3-24 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Karl Barth and the Gospel of the Incarnate and Risen Lord," Theological Student Fellowship Forum (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1982);, #1982-TFT-4

Karl Barth and the Gospel of the Incarnate and Risen Lord
1982-TFT-2 Audiovisual material 1982-3-22 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Sermon on Malachi 2:5ff." (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1982);, #1982-TFT-2

Sermon on Malachi 2:5ff
1982-416 Journal article 1982-2 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Das Verhältnis zwischen christlichem Glauben und moderner Naturwissenschaft: Die geistesgeschichtliche Bedeutung von James Clerk Maxwell," IBW Journal: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Instituts für Bildung und Wissen (1982): 1-24; #1982-416

Das Verhältnis zwischen christlichem Glauben und moderner Naturwissenschaft
1982-411 Journal article 1982-12-18 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Orthodox Church in Great Britain," The Greek Review 22 (1982): 22-24; #1982-411

The Orthodox Church in Great Britain
1982-412 Journal article 1982-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Infant Baptism - The Debate Continues: Prof. Tom Torrance Replies," Ministers' Forum: News & Views for Ministers of the Church of Scotland 48 (1982): 4-5; #1982-412

Infant Baptism - The Debate Continues
1982-401 Journal article 1982-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Russell Stannard, Science and the Renewal of Belief, Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1982): 42; #1982-401

Review of Russell Stannard, Science and the Renewal of Belief
1982-417 Journal article 1982-11 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "What is the 'Substance of the Faith'?" Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1982): 16-7; #1982-417

What is the 'Substance of the Faith'?
1982-415 Journal article 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Über die Änderung des wissenschaftlichen Denkrahmens," Evangelium und Wissenschaft 7 (1982): 13-9; #1982-415

Über die Änderung des wissenschaftlichen Denkrahmens
1982-TFT-6 Audiovisual material 1982 Blau, Jon

Thomas F. Torrance, photograph by Jon Blau (Camera Press, London, 1982); #1982-TFT-6

Thomas F. Torrance, photograph by Jon Blau
1982-TFT-3 Audiovisual material 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Priesthood of Jesus Christ," Theological Student Fellowship Forum (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1982);, #1982-TFT-3

The Priesthood of Jesus Christ
1981-398a Book chapter 1982 Carnes, John Robb

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in John Robb Carnes, Axiomatics and Dogmatics, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 4, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals: New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), vii-viii; #1981-398a

General Foreword
1982-396a Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in Juridical Law and Physical Law: Toward a Realist Foundation for Human Law (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), ix-xi; #1982-396a

1982-396b Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Recovery of Ontology and Basic Belief," in Juridical Law and Physical Law: Toward a Realist Foundation for Human Law (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), 1-5; #1982-396b

The Recovery of Ontology and Basic Belief
1982-396c Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Problem of an In-Built Positivism," in Juridical Law and Physical Law: Toward a Realist Foundation for Human Law (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), 6-21; #1982-396c

The Problem of an In-Built Positivism
1982-396d Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Toward a New Realism," in Juridical Law and Physical Law: Toward a Realist Foundation for Human Law (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), 22-67; #1982-396d

Toward a New Realism
1982-397a Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in Reality and Evangelical Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982), 9-20; #1982-397a

1982-397b Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Bounds of Christian Theology," in Reality and Evangelical Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982), 21-51; #1982-397b

The Bounds of Christian Theology
1982-397c Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Questions to Biblical Scholars," in Reality and Evangelical Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982), 52-83; #1982-397c

Theological Questions to Biblical Scholars
1982-397d Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A Realist Interpretation of God's Self-Revelation," in Reality and Evangelical Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982), 84-120; #1982-397d

A Realist Interpretation of God's Self-Revelation
1982-397e Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Truth and Justification in Doctrinal Formulation," in Reality and Evangelical Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982), 121-156; #1982-397e

Truth and Justification in Doctrinal Formulation
1982-399a Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in James Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, with an Appreciation by Albert Einstein, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), ix-xiii; #1982-399a

1982-399b Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Introduction," in James Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, with an Appreciation by Albert Einstein, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), 1-27; #1982-399b

1982-399c Book chapter 1982 Einstein, Albert

Albert Einstein, "Maxwell's Influence on the Development of the Conception of Physical Reality," trans. Thomas F. Torrance, in James Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982), 29-32; #1982-399c

Maxwell's Influence on the Development of the Conception of Physical Reality
1982-404 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Appendix A (2): Christian/Jewish Dialogue: Report of the Overseas Council of the Church of Scotland," in The Witness of the Jews to God, ed. David W. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982), 139-150; #1982-404

Appendix A (2): Christian/Jewish Dialogue: Report of the Overseas Council of the Church of Scotland
1982-408 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Divine Vocation and Destiny of Israel in World History," in The Witness of the Jews to God, ed. David W. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982), 85-104; #1982-408

The Divine Vocation and Destiny of Israel in World History
1982-410 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Ökumene und Rom," in Ökumene: Möglighkeiten und Grenzen heute, ed. Karlfried Froelich (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1982), 40-49; #1982-410

Ökumene und Rom
1982-413 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Realism," in The Philosophical Frontiers of Christian Theology: Essays Presented to D. M. MacKinnon, ed. Brian Hebblethwaite and Stewart R. Sutherland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 169-196; #1982-413

Theological Realism
1982-DWT-1a Book chapter 1982 Torrance, David W.

David W. Torrance, "Preface," in The Witness of the Jews to God, ed. David W. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982), vii; #1982-DWT-1a

1982-DWT-1c Book chapter 1982 Torrance, David W.

David W. Torrance, "Israel Today in the Light of God's Word," in The Witness of the Jews to God, ed. David W. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982), 105-114; #1982-DWT-1c

Israel Today in the Light of God's Word
1982-JBT-1 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Calvinism and Puritanism in England and Scotland: Some Basic Concepts in the Development of Federal Theology," in Calvinus Reformator: His Contribution to Theology, Church and Society (Potchefstroom, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1982), 264-286; #1982-JBT-1

Calvinism and Puritanism in England and Scotland
1982-JBT-2 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Strengths and Weaknesses of the Westminster Theology," in The Westminster Confession in the Church Today: Papers prepared for the Church of Scotland Panel on Doctrine, ed. Alasdair I. C. Heron (Edinburgh: The Saint Andrews Press, 1982), 40-54; #1982-JBT-2

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Westminster Theology
1982-TFT-5a Book chapter 1982 Paul, Iain, Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in Iain Paul, Science, Theology and Einstein, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 3, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), vii-viii; #1982-TFT-5a

General Foreword
1982-TFT-5a Book chapter 1982 Paul, Iain, Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in Iain Paul, Science, Theology and Einstein, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 3, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), vii-viii; #1982-TFT-5a

General Foreword
1981-398 Book 1982 Carnes, John Robb

John Robb Carnes, Axiomatics and Dogmatics, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 4, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals, 1982); #1981-398

Axiomatics and Dogmatics
1982-396 Book 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Juridical Law and Physical Law: Toward a Realist Foundation for Human Law (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982); #1982-396

Juridical Law and Physical Law
1982-397 Book 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Reality and Evangelical Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982); #1982-397

Reality and Evangelical Theology
1982-399 Book 1982 Maxwell, James Clerk, Torrance, Thomas F.

James Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, with an Appreciation by Albert Einstein, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982); #1982-399

A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
1982-399 Book 1982 Maxwell, James Clerk, Torrance, Thomas F.

James Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, with an Appreciation by Albert Einstein, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982); #1982-399

A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
1982-DWT-1 Book 1982 Torrance, David W., Torrance, Thomas F.

David W. Torrance, ed., The Witness of the Jews to God (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982); #1982-DWT-1

The Witness of the Jews to God
1982-DWT-1 Book 1982 Torrance, David W., Torrance, Thomas F.

David W. Torrance, ed., The Witness of the Jews to God (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982); #1982-DWT-1

The Witness of the Jews to God
1982-TFT-1 Book 1982 Carnes, John B.

John B. Carnes, Axiomatics and Dogmatics, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 4, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982); #1982-TFT-1

Axiomatics and Dogmatics
1982-TFT-5 Book 1982 Paul, Iain

Iain Paul, Science, Theology and Einstein, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 3, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982); #1982-TFT-5

Science, Theology and Einstein
1982-DWT-1b Book chapter 1982 Torrance, David W.

David W. Torrance, "The Witness of the Jews to God (Their Purpose in History)," in The Witness of the Jews to God, ed. David W. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1982), 1-12; #1982-DWT-1b

The Witness of the Jews to God (Their Purpose in History)
1981-405 Book chapter 1982 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Contribution to Seminar on Das Problem der Zeit, ed. Reinhold Wegner (Paderborn: Das Deutsches Institut für Bildung und Wissen, 1982), 7-16; #1981-405

Contribution to Seminar
1981-TFT-5d Audiovisual material 1981-7-3 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Mediation of Christ in Our Human Response to God," The Mediation of Christ, no. 4, July 3, 1981 (Institute of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1981-TFT-5d

The Mediation of Christ in Our Human Response to God, 4
1981-TFT-5c Audiovisual material 1981-7-2 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Mediation of Christ," The Mediation of Christ, no. 3, July 2, 1981 (Institute of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1981-TFT-5c

The Mediation of Christ, 3
1981-TFT-5b Audiovisual material 1981-7-1 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Mediation of Christ," The Mediation of Christ, no. 2, July 1, 1981 (Institute of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1981-TFT-5b

The Mediation of Christ, 2
1981-TFT-5a Audiovisual material 1981-6-30 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Mediation of Christ," The Mediation of Christ, no. 1, June 30, 1981 (Institute of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1981-TFT-5a

The Mediation of Christ, 1
1981-394 Journal article 1981-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A Right-About Turn for the Kirk," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1981): 20-21; #1981-394

A Right-About Turn for the Kirk
1981-388 Journal article 1981-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Ivan Tolstoy, James Clerk Maxwell: A Biography, Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1981): 42; #1981-388

Review of Ivan Tolstoy, James Clerk Maxwell
1981-395 Journal article 1981-11 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A Right-About Turn for the Kirk," The Presbyterian Record (1981): 30-32; #1981-395

A Right-About Turn for the Kirk
1981-393 Journal article 1981-10 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Putting First Things First," Presbyterian Survey (1981): 10-12; #1981-393

Putting First Things First
1981-389 Journal article 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Croyances Fondamentales et Revolution Scientifique," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 61 (1981): 43-66; #1981-389

Croyances Fondamentales et Revolution Scientifique
1981-391 Journal article 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Immortality and Light," Religious Studies 17 (1981): 147-161; #1981-391

Immortality and Light
1981-392 Journal article 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Nicene Creed: Its Emergence in History — The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 381 A.D," Scottish Church Theological Society Bulletin (1981): ; #1981-392

The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 381 A.D.
1981-JBT-1 Journal article 1981 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Covenant Concept in Scottish Theology and Politics and Its Legacy," Scottish Journal of Theology 34 (1981): 225-243; #1981-JBT-1

The Covenant Concept in Scottish Theology and Politics and Its Legacy
1981-TFT-6 Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ground and Grammar of Theology," 19 audio recordings, Fulller Theological Seminary (Grace Communion International,; #1981-TFT-6

The Ground and Grammar of Theology
1981-TFT-4a Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Access to the Father," The Theology of Nature, 1 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4a

Access to the Father, 1
1981-TFT-4b Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Almighty Creator," The Theology of Nature, 2 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4b

The Almighty Creator, 2
1981-TFT-4c Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "God of God, Light of Light," The Theology of Nature, 3 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4c

God of God, Light of Light, 3
1981-TFT-4d Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Incarnate Savior," The Theology of Nature, 4 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4d

The Incarnate Savior, 4
1981-TFT-4e Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Eternal Spirit," The Theology of Nature, 5 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4e

The Eternal Spirit, 5
1981-TFT-4f Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The One Church," The Theology of Nature, 6 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4f

The One Church, 6
1981-TFT-4g Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Resurrection," The Theology of Nature, 7 (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4g

The Resurrection, 7
1981-TFT-4h Audiovisual material 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Sermon on Mark 10:32," The Theology of Nature (Warfield Lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1981);, #1981-TFT-4g

Sermon on Mark 10:32
1981-384 Book 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Christian Theology and Scientific Culture, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 1, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals; New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); #1981-384

Christian Theology and Scientific Culture
1981-385 Book 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); #1981-385

Divine and Contingent Order
1981-386 Book 1981

Thomas F. Torrance, ed., The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381 (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1981); #1981-386

The Incarnation
1981-387 Book 1981 Nebelsick, Harold P.

Harold P. Nebelsick, Theology and Science in Mutual Modification, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 2, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals, 1981); #1981-387

Theology and Science in Mutual Modification
1981-400 Book 1981 Paul, Iain

Iain Paul, Science, Theology and Einstein, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 3, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals; New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); #1981-400

Science, Theology and Einstein
1981-TFT-1 Book 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Christ's Words: An Address given for The Order of Christian Unity (London: The Bible Society, 1981); #1981-TFT-1

Christ's Words
1981-TFT-2 Book 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Christian Theology and Scientific Culture, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 1, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); #1981-TFT-2

Christian Theology and Scientific Culture
1981-TFT-3 Book 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Keresztény teológia és természettudományos kultúra (Christian Theology and Scientific Culture), trans. Both Elod, Tudomány és vallás (Pozsony:  Kalligram, 1981); #1981-TFT-3

Keresztény teológia és természettudományos kultúra
1981-TFT-7 Book 1981 Nebelsick, Harold P.

Harold P. Nebelsick, Theology and Science in Mutual Modification, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 2, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); #1981-TFT-7

Theology and Science in Mutual Modification
1981-407 Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, “Divine and Contingent Order,” in The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arthur R. Peacocke (Notre Dame:  University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), 81-97; #1981-407.

Divine and Contingent Order
1981-385a Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), vii-x; #1981-385a

1981-385b Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Determinism and Creation," in Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 1-25; #1981-385b

Determinism and Creation
1981-385c Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "God and the Contingent Universe," in Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 26-61; #1981-385c

God and the Contingent Universe
1981-385d Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological and Scientific World-Views," in Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 62-84; #1981-385d

Theological and Scientific World-Views
1981-385e Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Contingence and Disorder," in Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 85-142; #1981-385e

Contingence and Disorder
1981-386a Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1981), ix; #1981-386a

1981-386b Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Introduction," in The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1981), xi-xxii; #1981-386b

1981-387a Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F., Nebelsick, Harold P.

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in Harold P. Nebelsick, Theology and Science in Mutual Modification, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 2, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals, 1981), 9-10; #1981-387a

General Foreword
1981-387a Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F., Nebelsick, Harold P.

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in Harold P. Nebelsick, Theology and Science in Mutual Modification, Theology and Scientific Culture, no. 2, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Belfast: Christian Journals, 1981), 9-10; #1981-387a

General Foreword
1981-390 Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F., Whitehouse, Walter Alexander

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Walter Alexander Whitehouse, The Authority of Grace: Essays in Response to Karl Barth, ed. Ann Loades (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1981), xix-xx; #1981-390

1981-390 Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F., Whitehouse, Walter Alexander

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Walter Alexander Whitehouse, The Authority of Grace: Essays in Response to Karl Barth, ed. Ann Loades (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1981), xix-xx; #1981-390

1981-407b Book chapter 1981 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, “Comments" on Mary Hesse, "Retrospect,” in The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arthur R. Peacocke (Notre Dame:  University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), 302-303; #1981-407.

Comments on Mary Hesse, "Retrospect"
1981-JBT-2 Book chapter 1981 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ," in The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1981), 127-147; #1981-JBT-2

The Vicarious Humanity of Christ
1980-372 Journal article 1980-9-18 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Der Mensch, Priester der Schöpfung," IBW Journal: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Instituts für Bildung und Wissen 9 (1980): 123-125; #1980-372

Der Mensch, Priester der Schöpfung
1980-TFT-1 Audiovisual material 1980-3-3 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "God's Uncreated Light and the Created Light," March 3, 1980 (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1980-TFT-1

God's Uncreated Light and the Created Light
1980-380 Journal article 1980-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A New Vision of Wholeness," Presbyterian Survey (1980): 21-23; #1980-380

A New Vision of Wholeness